Chapter 25

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   Jason bolted out of the house, with me in his arms. He quick and got away from my father's angry outburst. We heard him screaming, obviously outraged that we were getting away, when Jason threw open the car door and jumped inside. With me sitting in his lap and with him sitting in the driver's seat of the Ferrari, he drove away.

    Jason raced down the street, the car's engine roaring loudly. The tears never stopped coming but now my sobs were silent. I quietly moved over to the passenger seat, crawling away from his lap. I shakily put the seat belt on and tried to press myself up against the passenger door as much as I could.

   I didn't want to think about what just happened.

   I didn't want to think about what was happening right then.

   The car continued to race down the neighborhood streets. Trees and mailboxes flying by the car quickly. Through all of my silent tears, I peeked over at Jason.

   He looked pissed.

   Everywhere on his muscular body, his muscles were full of tension from anger. He was gripping the steering wheel so tightly that it looked like the thing might break off any second. The intensity of tension in his arms was almost breathtaking with the muscles bulging. His jaw with set tight with anger, as if he were clenching his teeth together and his eyes were blacker than ever, like black fire burning in a midnight sky. 

   Then Jason took a sharp corner and pulled onto the freeway. At least here his speeding wasn't as noticeable.

   It was quiet. It was very quiet for a very long time as Jason drove to only God knows where. But I wasn't about to stop him. I felt safe and comfortable with him inside the small car. And even though the curiosity was building up inside of me, I was good and didn't question him.

   But soon my patience was soon praised. Jason pulled off the freeway and eventually made his way down some back street.

   And then he turned onto a dirt road. 

   The chills that crawled down my arms were unnecessary. I knew Jason wouldn't hurt or do anything to me. I felt so vulnerable from what just happened.

   But then what took me by surprise was that Jason pulled into the trees and drove for a few more minutes until he parked the car in front of a beautiful scene of the ocean.

   My breath got caught in my throat.The scenery was literally breath-taking in its own way. We were parked on a deserted cliff that hung over the ocean tides. The waves came crashing up against the side of the cliff, the sound almost like a lullaby. How did Jason know about this place? I didn't know the answer to that but I continued to stare at the beautiful sight for endless minutes.

   "Breath Princess." Jason's voice came at a soft murmur. I realized that I was still holding my breath and let out a rushed sigh.

   It grew quiet again between me and Jason. It was an uncomfortable silence, just itching to be broken. I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear exactly what Jason was thinking at the moment but I might as well have had a stamp across my forehead reading 'Speechless'.   

   "I don't know what to say." I randomly blurted out after I couldn't handle the silence any longer.

   Yeah, 'cause that's a perfect way to start a conversation at a time like this.


   "I'm sorry," he said.

   What? Was he..... he apologizing? For what? He had done nothing wrong! I was so confused....

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