Teenage years

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Hey everyone, here's Daria. Not sure what I'm going to write about here, but everything that you read comes from my heart. If you enjoy reading this please follow my account and leave a vote. Thank you❤️

Teenage years
Are they long? Surely not. Are they short? Way too short for me. But each of us may have a different way of thinking.
For some of us , being a teenager absolutely sucks. Such big changes, never being satisfied with what you have done, bad grades, too many fake people around us, too many fake friends and too many feelings that just drive you crazy, too many decisions to make.
That's how you can see teenage years if you look through a dirty window, if you are looking at the empty part of the glass. How we are passing through this years and how we choose to spend our time will difine what we will become.
On the other hand, you can see the fact of being a teenager the best thing that ever happened to you. The mistakes you make will become good choices and qualities. The fake friends that you  will have will teach you the real meaning of friendship.
For me , the start was the worst. I had just entered in a elite high school and I expected everything to be perfect, better than before . I used to listen to my parents talking with love and melancholy about teenage years, the ones spend in high school especially, and I was very excited. Well, life slapped me. I entered in a school where my only true friend was my bestie from middle school. I received an awful head teacher and being a freshman scared me, even though I am a sociable person. I thought that nobody likes me, that I have nobody to trust and have fun with. The second semester was like a big breath for me. A hugeeee breath. I realised that not everyone is going to like me, and I was ok with that. I found the people I was searching for, the ones who could support me. I fell in love for the first time. And for the second time. Not the best choices , but I am going to tell you about that in the next chapters .
We are teenagers for only 5 years, 60 months, 1825 days,43.800 hours , 2.628.000 minutes,157.680.000 seconds. Avoid wasting time. Live every second. You won't be able to do so many things later. Embrace teenage years and see the best part of them. Because they will be the best part of your life hun'!

Thank you for reading this. I hope you liked it. Many more to come in the next chapters.
The author.

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