Chapter 4

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Roxas lay face down on the massage turning his head to the side to get comfortable, finding himself
locking eyes with his twin, who was in a similar position on the table beside him. Soothing music played in the background and aromatherapy candles scented the dim room as two massage therapists worked them over.

Ven raised an eyebrow at his brother, silently questioning Roxas about whether he was feeling good. The massage felt wonderful as Roxas gave a barely perceptible nod in return. Ven smiled at that, closing his eyes contentedly, and Roxaa let himself relax and enjoy. Roxas had been a little tense after the jet skiing, but it wasn't
because of his night sleeping on the deck chair. It was because he'd spent the past two hours alternating between driving the jet ski, with Ven arms wrapped around him, and then riding behind Ven, his hands on Ven waist and his crotch...well, their bodies had been pressed quite closely together. Roxas had
rarely had the opportunity to have his body pressed against Ven since they'd stopped sleeping in the same bunk some time back, and had thought it was a wonderful idea to hide his feelings.

Roxas had spent most of their time on the jet ski hoping Ven didn't notice how
excited his proximity made him. Roxas thought about it again now as the masseuse placed warmstones along his back, soothing his tense muscles. He heard Ven made a little moan, and Roxas opened his eyes just a crack and Ven
was getting the same treatment as himself  with the warm stones, and he appeared to be enjoying it. But just that one little noise from his twin was enough to get Roxas aroused all over again, so
he forced himself to think of something else. Like sea salt ice cream.

While Roxas was researching their vacation, he'd also read online how to make some sea salt ice cream since they can't buy it anywhere here. Roxas
thought it would be great treat to make if there's nothing to do at the resort they're staying in. Regardless, thinking about
Sea salt ice cream really helped get his mind off of Ven and his contented little

Once the stones had done their work, sending relaxing heat deep
into Roxas tense muscles, the masseuse removed them, saying
softly, "After the couple's massage, we encourage you to relax and enjoy your togetherness. The room is yours for thirty minutes."

Roxas. blushed at the implication that they were a couple, but couldn't think of anything to say that wouldn't sound defensive. The women were already making their way out anyway, closing
the door behind themselves and leaving the twins alone.

"I really think everyone here thinks we're on our honeymoon" Roxas said gruffly, trying to dispel the romantic mood the candle light set.

He expected Ven to laugh, or maybe make a comment of agreement, but instead his brother just replied, "We didn't have to get the couple's massage if it bothered you."

"It doesn't bother me," Roxas commented, seeing he had offended Ven in some shape or form but unable to understand how. "It's just, everything is
so ing..." He didn't know how to describe it. "Have you noticed that everyone here is on their honeymoon but us? I didn't really noticed so much until now."

"Sorry," Ven said, getting up and letting his towel slip carelessly as he pulled on his shorts. "Next time you can book us somewhere else. Like you know Land of Departure beach or  somewhere you can find more interesting people to hang out with."

That wasn't what Roxas meant at all, but he could tell he was about to get left alone in the room with the scented candles and soothing music. Somehow the thought of Ven leaving him behind and then having to face the curious eyes of the staff as he left alone made him cringe. He may not have actually been on a honeymoon, but he didn't want the entire resort staff thinking he'd pissed off his boyfriend or husband or whatever they thought the twins were. So Roxas jumped up too, grabbing Ven arm with one hand as he kept a towel covering his essentials with the other. "I don't want to be somewhere else," Roxas said,
and Ven turned surprisingly damp eyes toward him. "Or with anyone else." Tom added.

Ven nodded, even as he added defensively, "I didn't mean to book
the honeymoon package-I thought the rooms would be equal. We can take turns using the big room if you want."

"No, you deserve that room" Roxas said to Ven who looked at him curiously, and Roxas realized he still had a hand on Bill's arm, caressing over the skin softly. Roxas released him.

"We can share it then," Ven replied. "Okay? This is your vacation too. I don't want you to be miserable on our vacation."

Roxas knew that sleeping with Ven was one of his personal weaknesses, and something he'd avoided at all costs lately, but he still couldn't bring himself to denied his younger brother request. Especially when Ven was trying to do something nice for him. "Are you sure?" Roxas asked.

Ven face softened into a smile. "Of course. That bed is huge, and we've shared much smaller before."

The memory of being tightly curled around Ven in the tour bus made Roxas face heat up red.

"Okay," Roxas agreed, as he covered his sudden blush by focusing on getting dressed.

"I've already made us reservations for dinner" Ven said, averting his
eyes as Roxas dressed. "If that's okay with you that is"

"Sounds good," Roxas smiled. They'd eaten at one of the resort's poolside cafés earlier in the day, but Roxas was hungry again.

"I just need to go back and get changed" Ven added. Roxas shrugged. Sometimes Ven changed five times a day-Roxas was
used to it.

They made their way back to the bungalow, and while Ven showered and got dressed, Roxas pulled on a tank top to match his swim trunks. As far as he was concerned, there was no such
thing as dressing up for dinner while one was on vacation in the islands.

*** A Little time passes

Darkness crept up on them, and as Ven finished up in his preparations as Roxas went onto the deck, kicking off his sandals and taking a few steps down the ladder off the side of the wooden pavilion so he could dip his toes in the ocean. It felt as refreshing as it had earlier in the day, but Roxas was less interested in going for a swim as he was in checking for a Glimpse of the light show he'd read about online. The water
swirled dark gray around his foot, but there were no tell-tale Sparks of phosphorescence, just the glimmer from the rising moon that he'd seen the night before.

"Ready Roxas?" Ven asked from the doorway. Roxas then withdrew his foot, shaking off the water.

"Yeah, let's go Ven."

Wow three chapters in one day I wonder what's going to happen next. I hope you all enjoyed and see ya next time.

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