As he woke up he saw their goo covered bodies stuck together like glue and every each attempt to get out was like thrusting a dragon dildo up your ass, so hard yet enjoyable. As Barry moved away he woke up Sans, as Barry resisted Sans stuck his bone up his ass with a mighty thrust filling it up with sweet candy corn, bone marrow, cum, and honey making it taste like a raspberry pie. The thrusting weakened him and his feeble arms. At each attempt Sans used his gaster blaster and shoved it up his ass." No more master!" Barry moaned. As each blast paralyzed him he moaned with a great roar.
The girth of the thrusts filled his mind, how could someone use that much force! After each attempt of escaping Sans just grew stronger and faster, because he couldn't let him escape. His needs are important and can't be put aside, his gaster blaster grows lonely without friends, and Barry, well let's just say Barry was more than a friend. The night was filled with moans and thrusts each time growing stronger than the last as if telling the night, I am here. Their bodies collided back and fourth with great honey and bone marrow flavors. He didn't know what to do he was stuck with this sex driven skeleton, only if his hive could protect him from possible HIV. But he couldn't worry about that right now. All he need to do was escape and that's what he planned to do, but those were all chances. He needed hope, he needed to be careful, he needed to be free.