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     Chava had nothing to describe it to, but because we live in modern day I will. Remember that feeling when you were a kid and you rode an elevator for the first time. I mean when it was shooting downwards, the sinking feeling in your stomach and the urge to buckle your knees. Sleep-disoriented, she couldn't believe she was falling into the earth—the irony that a girl who cries ruby tears but can't believe this predicament isn't lost on me—but she screamed the entire way. In her panic she thought, I'm being buried alive! Because she could feel the dirt around her like in a capsule when she beat it with her fists, and she couldn't hear anything as she shrieked at the top of her lungs. "Someone help me! Let me out, please let me out!" No one came.

     Obviously she wouldn't have been allowed to suffocate in the little cavern, but she didn't know that. When she gave up trying to break free she crouched, pressing a knuckle against her breast to feel such an insane tattoo it seemed impossible that her heart didn't burst. Then her temples. It was hard, too hard to breathe. Her spine felt clammy. Rubies fell into her lap. How could this be? She felt so at peace with herself only minutes ago, now she was desperate not to die. Coward. But she had planned to jump. This part was unprecedented, and to die quietly in the ground wasn't what she'd wanted for herself. Some spirit, maybe, who didn't agree with her motive and maybe even the one who gifted her decided to teach her a lesson. "Lesson learned." She moaned. She quickly decided if she somehow managed to escape the cavern, she'd run straight back to the palace and never pity herself ever again.

A while later she still squatted away, only she managed to start nodding off. Perhaps this would be for the best. It's dark, it's cool, it's peaceful. Nothing was so troubling down here. Even if she never received her proper burial, this could come close to Elysium if she relaxed enough. The others would wonder where she'd gone, but they'd never find her, of course. Then Perseus would feel so guilty he'd regret ever treating her the way he had. This was a comforting thought. Perfectly lovely, this. She curled into a comfortable position and closed her eyes.

She was having such good dreams, of a small warm house and a rainy outside, some pleasant music playing and slices of green melon on the table that she was only vaguely aware of a presence that gathered her body into his arms and left the cavern.

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