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"what're you doing up baby," changbins voice was at least two octaves lower and felix wa- wAIT DID HE JUST CALL ME BABY BITSCJANDD.

"b-baby?" felix whispered out.

"yeh, do you not like it?" changbin hummed and turned felix around wrapoing his arms around felixs waist and felix immediately hiding his own face in changbins neck.

"n-no i d-definitely like it,, just w-by are you calling me it?" felix quietly stared wondering if changbin could even hear him.

"isn't it obvious," changbin stated, as he held felixs waist, instead of just looping his arms around it.

"why do you think i left my hoodie here bub?" bUB?? IM GONNA MALFUNCTION WNDKKS. felix was deader them dead and pretty much having a gay meltdown, but still he squeaked out a response.

"because you forgot it?"

"no baby, because i knew you would wake up cold, and instead of throwing minho's or hyunjin or whoever's hoodies you have on, i wanted you to wear mine." felixs breath caught in his throat, he could not think straight (gay) anymore as his mouth opened and closed like a fish.

"because lee felix, i want you to be mine."


babie ⚣ [scb+lfx]Where stories live. Discover now