Chapter 10

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Later that day I was back in my room and sat on my bed. I pulled my Diary out and started writing with a smile on my face.

"Dear Diary,
it worked! It really worked! I made another potion today and drank it and now my feelings for Cordelia are gone. I can't believe it! But after I took the potion, Cordelia was acting really weird. She cried and couldn't believe I actually did it. But what did she expect? She's my teacher after all and I can't have feelings for her. Now I'm free and I can continue with becoming a real witch without feeling guilty for loving my Supreme. But she's still a very beautiful woman for me, but that's all. I am so excited. Okay it's time for dinner and then I think I will go out. Yeah I know it's Monday, but who cares?

(your first letter)"

I closed my Diary and stood up, stretching my body and walking to the others. I smiled the whole time and when I entered the room Zoe, Queenie and Cordelia looked worried at me. Cordelia's eyes were red and I asked her "Is everything okay Ms. Goode?" The other girls looked at her and she smiled lightly. "Yes (Y/N), everything is okay" she mumbled and wiped a tear away. I nodded and smiled at her. I sat down next to Zoe and she whispered "You feel okay?" "Yeah, why not? I feel great" I said and laughed a little bit. We started eating, but then I heard a sob next to me. I looked up and saw that it was Cordelia. She stood up and said "I'm sorry" and walked out of the room. "Is she okay?" I asked Zoe and she just shook her head.

After dinner I walked back to my room. On my way I passed Cordelia's room and wanted to walk past it, but something inside me stopped me and I knocked at her door. "Who is it?" I heard her say. "It's me Ms. Goode" I said and waited for her response. "Come in" Cordelia said and I opened her door. She sat on her bed and I saw that she were crying the whole time. "What's wrong?" I asked quietly and walked to her bed. She padded the spot next to her on the bed and I sat down. Cordelia grabbed my hand and whispered "Why did you do it?" "What?" I asked. "Why did you drank the potion?" I sighed and leaned against the headboard. My hand was still in hers and she caressed it with her thumb. "Ms. Goode" I sighed, but she interrupted me. "Please (Y/N), call me Cordelia" she was pleading and squeezed my hand. "Okay" I whispered. "Cordelia, you're my teacher. I can't have feelings for my teacher and you're not even interested in woman. Zoe told me that you wanted to marry this man a long time ago." "You never asked what I was feeling and it's not important if I'm your teacher" Cordelia said and turned my head towards her. "But you're still my Supreme" I whispered and looked into her eyes. Her hand laid on my cheek and she stroked her thumb over my lip. "I am in love with you, since the accident in the bathroom" Cordelia whispered and leaned closer, but I pulled back. I stood up and said "I'm sorry Cordelia, but I don't feel that way anymore."

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