Untitled Story Part

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I feel it in my bones enough to make my systems glow welcome to the new age to the new age welcome to th-

As I slam my hand on my alarm I let out a groan get out of my warm and toasty nest of blankets and go to the bathroom I take a shower and begin to wash my hair as usual nothing exciting about my life I step out of the shower dry myself grad my body conceiler and apply it to my collarbone noone knows about my tatoos I cover my ravens then I start to dus my lower left rib cage to hide my scroll writing tat it says 'we hide our true selves to be selfless but being our true self is brave' once theyre covered up I head to the bathroom grab out a knee length whith floral dress and some pink flats french braid my hair and grab my bag on my way past the kitchen I grab a blueberry muffin and begin the short walk to school hiding the true me I pick at my muffin till theres none left I let out a sigh and walk through the front doors throw my bag in my locker grab my books and head to home room

《★time lapse★》

The final bell yes I managed to avoid gabe all day I have a mini party inside my head and I make my way to my locker put my books away and gtab my bag I slam the locker shut only to be greeted by black hair and furious green eyes and a mouth twisted into a sickining grin gabe "what do you want gabe"
"I want you!" "Not gonna happen your my ex for a reason!" He grabs my arm and yanks me into a janitors closet and locks the door "your not leaving until you are going out with me !!" " as I said , NO" at that I kick him where the sun dont shine and open the door only to be followed by him when im walking across the car park he grabs my wrist and yanks me towards him "your gonna pay for that beatris" "no im not" I swivel around yank my wrist out of her grib swweep his legs out from under him and punch him in the nose and I hear a sickening crack blood pours out and I smike and turn around only to see basically the entire school with their mouthes hanging open "WHAT!!!" then jack gabes best friend our quarterback comes up to me and says " you will pay!" With that the entire football team comes up to me and jack throws a punch I block it then the football team comes at me I dodge them all and smile " are you even trying to hit me?" Then a fist comes at my face I grab the fist yank it fowards and knee the guy in the gut the groans I punck him in the face and hes out I throw more punches untill its just me and jack surrounded by the unconsious footbalk team he charges an me I slide to the left and stick my foot out he trips over it and I slam my fist into him hes out cold I pat down my dress step over the jocks and begin my walk home leaving the school with thsir mouthes hanging open at the sight beatris prior beats footbal, team in punch up you see im just a small weak flatchested girl to them but the truth is im more much much more.

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