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As I'm walking home I'm thinking thinking about everything that's happened and I'm glad I let my good girl act fade away the real me is as bright and bold as ever and she will never be hidden again goodbye Beatris prior, hello six.

I sprint the rest of the way to my house I throw open the front door and fly up the steps to my room slam my door behind me rip open my closet door grab all my girly frilly flowery stuff ughhh girl clothes throw them on my bed run to the kitchen grab a whole lot of rubbish bags sprint back into my room and stuff as many of the girly clothes in them and tie a knot at the top .

<~time lapse~>

I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand clearing it of any sweat and plop myself down on my pink desk chair and look at my work all my clothes are bagged now for the room I let out a long groan of frustration my room is horrible pink walls pink rugs flowers colour seeping through every crevice from every corner my room looks like a unicorn threw up on it I grab a bunch of bags filled with my old clothes and throw them over the railing at the top of the stairs leaving a couple of muffled thuds as they hit the ground I do this for about 10 minutes before I have none left as I begin to pile all of my colourful decorative items into another bag I hear the door shut "HELLO?!" "HEY BEATRIS HOW WAS SCHOOL?" Mums voice rings through the house As soon as she finishes her sentence she pops through the door and asks "did caleb already tell you?" "Tell me what?" "That we're moving" "WHAT?!!!" "Well I got a job offer in Chicago it pays well and I've already purchased a lovely house we move tomorrow" "WHAT?!!!" "We are leaving tomorrow and there will be no changing the date!" "oh, ok" I say a little down then I remember what I'm doing"MUM" I call out "YES?!" "Can I go shopping!"I ask full of hope "sure sweetie don't spend to much!" "Thanks mum luv u" "love you to"

<~time lapse~>

Ok do far I have
3 leather jackets 2black 1red
3 denim jackets 2light blue 1black
4pairs of black skinny jeans
2 pairs of black high waisted jeans
2 pairs of ripped ankle biters
3 pairs of black leggings
6 black t-shirts
5 black graphic tees
And 3 pairs of black combat boots
I pay at the counter and walk to my car throw my bags in rip open my door climb in and start my drive home.

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