~Urata~ kiss

572 17 23

//highschool AU//

Urata's P.O.V.
"Give it back!!" I yelled at my friends who were holding the item I needed up high, and I couldn't get a chance to take it, "this must be a love letter hmm~?" Senra teased holding the letter up, "just give it back!" I responded, "eh you should guys understand that..the teacher is just nearby" my red headed friend (sakata) commented looking at us clueless about how he would stop us
"Guys it's (y/n)!" Shima said pointing at someone, a familiar girl actually "ohhhhhhh~" senra whined looking at the letter

'Oh no..' I thought-

Senra lowered the letter while looking at (y/n).Well all of them knows...who's my crUsh and its (y/n)...they would always tease me when we're around her...Welp...here we go again. I took the letter out of his hand running away, because I know what will happen next, so why not just escape?

The sound of the school bell echoed the hallways where I was dragged in by myself, as the bell rang, I quickly ran into my locker then takes my stuffs before I go to my next class..

And the class begins, before I could go there- I'm late



'FINALLY' I thought, ah~ after being in detention for AN HOUR- because of getting late..I'm finally free...except..that i didn't attend classes, rEkT

I left the empty classroom where I was staying, because of detention- then headed outside of the school, students were already walking home while some are talking with their friends, as I walked, I felt someone clinging on my arms- someone who has the same height as me-

"Heya! Urata-San!" A feminine, yet energetic voice was heard, "e-eh?! (Y/n)-San?" I looked at the female beside me taking my arm with her "how are you?" She asked, I felt my cheeks heated realizing we were that close-
"E-eh..I...I-I'm fine! Yeah I'm fine!" I stuttered- I looked away getting embarrassed, "eh urata-san" her tone lowered a bit as she faced down
"Do you like me?"
That sentence was kept replaying at my head, like a recorder that had an auto play in it
"Don't hide it urata-saaaan!"
"D-Did senra told you?"
"Actually yes"
'That senra...ILL KILL YOU' I thought, she just looked at me as if she was waiting for me to admit it
I didn't answered, I just looked down not knowing what to do, until I felt something that is wrapped around me, "I like you too! Urata-San!" She yelled, her arms were wrapped around me, her face was burried at my shoulder, I felt my face heating a lot, I hugged back nervously- i mean......I'm shy..

"O-only like?" I asked
"Why? Are you expecting em to say I love you?" She giggled, I looked down knowing she just liked me in friendly way "of course urata-San I love you!" And then I just felt something soft and warm touching my lips-



KONNICHIWAAAAA! Sou x reader ish up next! PheonixTaleChara  hope you like it ;D

Sorry if it's short XD and cheesy XD

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