Let me know

34 4 0

Tell me everything
Tell me what you do
Tell me what you wanna do
Tell me everything I need to know to get to know you as good as you know me
Tell me what you like, your passions, your weirds habits, what you do when you're alone, tell me
Just let me know things that maybe no one knows about yourself, your strange addiction or something that you love doin'
Tell me about your present, your past, even if you don't like to tell this kind of things, I won't judge you, I'm here to love you
I will stay, with me you will never be alone, you will always have the chance to let me know something more, the chance to let me know, I will never go away from you.
Let me know your anger, vent with me, even if you don't need to.
I won't go

Something by meDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora