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-And then you..Crawfor-CRAWFORD! Pay attention!" I jolt up,"Sorry Mrs. Lawrens!"

"You'll be sorry when your patient dies, Crawford..." she sighed "Just pay attention."

"Yes Ma'am," 

"Nice going, Lucy, you pissed off Mrs. Lawrens." Connor her twin brother whispered from beside her "I didn't mean to!" I whisper back.

"Is there something you two would like to tell the class?" Mrs. Lawrens interrupts.

"No Ma'am"  we reply, I turn my head as some of my classmates 


"Rude," my brother mumbles as I send a glare towards them.

"Ms. Poppins would you please demonstrate?"

"Yes Mrs. Lawrens," Val, my best friend gets up and makes her way to the front of the class.

"So this is what you have to do if your patient is having..." Everyone stares as Val trails off "You ok, Val?" I ask.


"Ms. Poppins?" Mrs. Lawrens starts to walk over to her "Ms. Poppins!"

I watch in horror as Val's eyes roll into the back of her head and she starts to shake uncontrollably "Tonic seizure," I whisper as Mrs. Lawrens goes over to her.

As if an alarm had rang, she froze, her eyes watching Mrs. Lawrens as she got closer.

"Ms. Poppins, are you alright!"


Just as Mrs. Lawrens got to Val, she lunged.

"Mrs. Lawrens! Val!" I shout jumping out of my seat as Val grabs our teachers neck and bites down into the flesh.

Wordlessly me and Connor rush to the front of the classroom and grab Val, trying to pull her off "VAL! Stop!" I yell.

I can hear my classmates murmuring "Help us! Call 911!" I yell at them.

Immediately as if a bomb went off, students started jumping up and pulling out their phones, rushing to the front to try to stop the bleeding and help contain Val.

"Val...stop." I murmur to her as I hold her back with the help of some over students.

"SHE'S NOT BREATHING!" a student shouts "Uhhh what do we do again?!" another yells.

Val who was still struggling elbows my stomach, making me let go as she jumps onto another student and starts to bite them like a rabid animal.

I watch helplessly as Mrs. Lawrens suddenly sits up and bites the nearest student and bites them as well. I sob as Connor grabs my arm and starts running out of the classroom, away from the chaos.

"W-we ne-eed to help!" I manage to sob out, attempting to slow down from the sprint we were in.

"There's no use! You saw what happened to Mrs. Lawrens, if we stay that will happen to us!" he shouts at us.

I let him drag me out towards the exit, silently we slam open the door to reveal chaos. People are running around screaming, some are biting into each other and others are lying on the ground...probably dead.

"Whats happening,"

"I don't know,"

I watch as someone jumps onto a mother carrying her child and bites into her furiously, I choke back sobs as everything happens at once.

"We need to go out of town!"

"I-I have the keys," I pass him the keys as we run towards the parking lot where some cars have crashed into other cars or poles.

Wordlessly he unlocks the car and hops into the front seat, I follow him into the passengers seat. A person with blood running down their mouth jumps at the window just as I close the door, its eyes staring at me before looking down at the car door handle. I quickly push the lock button as it reaches down and attempts to open the door "DRIVE!" I yell.

"Ya ya, no need to shout!"



I watch as people, houses and cars blur fast as my brother picks up the speed "Slow down!"

"We need to get out!"

"We wont make it out if you crash the car dammit!"

"I know that!"

"Then slow down!"

Connor sends me a glare as he slows down to a proper speed "Shouldn't we get some food or clothes?"

"Mmmhm later."

"Asshole," I murmur.


"How did you know!" I say sarcastically.

"Just shut up!"


Time seems to slow as I watch people being brutally attacked, blood everywhere, people screaming and crying. I look away as a child cries over a dead parent, tears streaming down its face. I curl up and stare ahead, as cars fly past in a frenzy. Almost as if karma herself decided our fate a car rushed towards us from the side.

-ey hey Hey HEY!" I felt a hand slap my face as I let out a groan, slowly I opened my eyes to see a man standing over me "wha-"

"Get up!" he yelled as he pulled me into a sitting position.

"Wheres Connor" I slurred out.

"The guy you were with is fine, now get up!"

"mmmhm ten more minutes mom"

I yelped as I felt myself being picked up, I faintly heard yelling and the sound of feet hitting gravel as I bounced on the mans back. Everything was blurry and I could hear a faint ringing in my ears before everything went dark again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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