Unknown Futures Chapter 34

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All in all, I'd say Hikami's best friends are Tenten and Hakai, contrary to how she acts.  If she didn't love him, she'd hate Neji, more than likely.


 The Academy is built in less than a week.

Two days later, I've got a full teaching staff.

I hauled Kenta up from where he was recovering, he'll be teaching until I promote him.

He's not stupid, but he's got the tactical capabilities of a brick.

So, he'll be teaching Academy students about the basics.

All Academy students are in the same class their first year.

They learn about weaponry and exercise, chakra natures, E-rank jutsu, the like.

It's only after that they're separated based on the things they've learned.

Strategists in one group, brawn in another, things like that.

I'm not particularly interested in those kinds of things.

I'll have someone else be concerned with the curriculum.

They'll just need to be told what the primary goal is, and the rest of the time they'll self-manage.

Kenta would seem like a bad choice, he's young and more muscle than intelligence.

Still, this way I don't insult him by demoting him to genin, and he doesn't have to do missions.

He's not ready to give orders as a chuunin yet, I want him to have a few years working on that.

An older genin can help him, I'll have the classroom going smoothly.

I haven't seen Tenten in a few days.

I'd say she left, but I can still smell her.

Anyways, Tsunade would want to keep her here for as long as I'll allow it.

She needs to keep an eye on me.

Not that any of it bothers me, really.

I'm keeping an eye on everyone.

It's important to know your subjects.

And really, other than Daiki and Kenshin, I haven't seen anyone I know recently.

Tons of villagers to understand, more ninja than I can count, but no friends.

Although, I suppose it's debatable that we were friends.

I hardly knew most of them and I was rather obnoxious most of the time.

Still, I felt comfortable with them.

I exchanged comradeship for ice, but I can't say I regret it.

This is my place.

When Tenten does show up, it's only to notify me that Neji will be arriving in a week.

“I don't need to rely on someone to do my job.”

It's insulting that anyone would even suggest it.

“No, but he relaxes you. I'm no medical ninja, but even I can see how shot your body is.”

My eyes narrow, but I don't turn away from the window.

“Of course he does, I love him. But still, I don't need to rely on anyone.”

It's not unusual, Konoha women especially stopped acting servile after the Uchiha/Senju business.

Unknown Futures (Sequel to Unspoken Pasts)Where stories live. Discover now