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Sally sat staring at Mamley as she stared into an empty space. Damien felt hopeless as he couldn't do much to ease the pain of the woman he loved, though she wasn't his woman....yet. The burial went smoothly but was an emotionally draining time for them all. He had never seen her this vulnerable before and though he was pained that she was in pain, he liked to see that she had that part of her.
Damien: ( placed his hand over Mamley's hand) Can we step out?
Mamley: I'm not in the mood.
Damien: I know but I think you would like it. Let's just get some fresh air. They  quietly got up from her bed, and Damien waved at Sally as he led his zombie-like friend outside. He drove her to a roadside vendor who sold KOFI BROKEMAN (roasted plantain with peanuts) which he knew were her favourite. Her face lit up just a little but to Damien, that was more than enough. After sitting the car, he watched her slowly eat the delicacy while they drove around in silence.

She knew this day would come so she had already hidden important documents from the "thieves". She watched them as they frantically searched through the drawers and wardrobes in her parent's bedroom under the guise of they performing a necessary "rite" to ensure the spirit of her dad was not lingering in the house. Why would a spirit linger in drawers and wardrobes? She asked herself and she laughed so hard in her head that a few giggles escaped her lips. The family head, slowly turned and gave her a disdainful look. Mamley cared less and just enjoyed to watch them struggle in their fruitless search. She knew the battles were just beginning. Her main plan was to hide everything till the will was read and she was doing her best. After all that hardwork, the selected extended family members had put into trying to find their  "treasure" and realizing their search was useless, they ordered Rita to relocate to the boy's quarters with her children, so that they could cleanse the house. At that point, Mamley couldn't hold her laughter in anymore. She burst out laughing till little drops of tears cascaded down her cheeks. After having a good laugh, she told them they preferred the spirit of their father to linger freely in his own house. After all, it was his house and home. They knew if they pushed too hard, their selfish intentions would be made too visible. So they left, with the intention of coming back later with "back up". Immediately they left, Nene asked Mamley what was going on and she said " A war is going on and I would prove to them that my father's blood flows through my veins. Their antics are far from over but I'll be damned if I don't fulfill daddy's last wish."

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