Chapter 1: Return

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3rd person pov

It has been some time now and he has found the beast and slayed it but what now? He decapitated it. And took as many scales as he can carry as well as its eye, the other was already missing. He decides that for a final offer to his goddess he will make sure that everyone knows what happened and he will make Loki and Freya pay one way or another. He takes a large piece of cloth and makes sure that every part of the head is covered so no one sees it to soon, he takes his golden axe and makes sure it is safely fit to his side under his black armor, both were gifts from his goddess. He begins his path back to the city, Orario. Once ruled by Zeus and Hera but now in the hands of cowards. The world itself set a quest for all to complete and Zeus and Hera along with their familias stood to take this quest. They were to hunt and kill three legendary beast, Behemoth, Leviathan and the dragon. They were the most powerful familias in Orario and took care of Behemoth and Leviathan but the dragon, the one eyed black dragon was to much, Zeus familia was completely eradicated and Heras was reduced to one single boy but a boy with determination that could rival God's. He trained and trained for years until his goddess decided to give him two sacred treasures, an golden axe with immense power, her name is Rhitta, and an armor that amplifies his already incredible striking power, it makes him unable to feel pain and can even put is bones back into place but at the cost of his sanity. With these weapons and his endless training he reached a power that is believed to be not possible for a human and Hera even called him her champion and with his training complete and his weapon and armor on him he set out to do what no one managed to do, he killed the one eyed black dragon, on his own. And his name is Ancalagon or Acan in short.

In Orario a boy is running through the streets, covered in blood this is Bell

In Orario a boy is running through the streets, covered in blood this is Bell

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and he is the only member of the Hestia-familia. He runs until he bumps into a figure with a black cloak cover his entire body but what sticks out are the golden axe on his side and the giant bag on his back and of course now the blood stains from the collision with Bell. But before Bell can apologize the stranger walks away without a word. And while Bell continues to run towards an abandoned church the stranger walks aimlessly around Orario not knowing where he should go. After meeting his goddess Bell goes out again and heads straight to the pub known as the Hostess of fertility where he is greeted by Mia Grand  or Mama Mia as she is mostly called and her small group of workers, who are all female.

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