act twenty { crying crystals }

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"So, why were you looking for me earlier?"

The events of her club activities (well, Usagi bouncing between classrooms to hang out with her) distracted her from the reason of her sister's search. The walk back home in the darkening sky finally cleared her busy mind to think of an excuse. 

"Oh, yeah, Ayumi wanted you to bring extra scissors for...Garden Club?" Miyako nodded before leaning her head back. 

"I don't know what it is, but I find flowers to be the best things in the world. They each hold something important to a person, be it a memory or scent. I really don't know what it is, but I just love flowers."

Usagi couldn't hold back a smile when she looked to her sister. In the last minutes of their walk before she opened the front gate and door, she relished her twin's sensitive and geeky side. The house was quiet when the door shut behind them. To one twin, it was a sign of peace and quiet, but to the other, it sent her radars off.  

Usagi rose a brow as she slipped off her shoes. "Is something wrong?" Her sister asked, following behind her up the stairs.  

"No, nothing's wrong. It's just so quiet. Miya and Chibiusa are usually running around at this time, but I guess they're resting."

In the quiet, Usagi forced herself not to panic about it. The fact Luna and Nova followed them itched her brain a bit, especially since Calaveras's interview. No one was home to watch them. With anything but panic in her body, Miyako strode into their room, changed into loose and comfortable clothes without a rushed breath, then fell on their bed with the ease of a pampered child. Nova's soft tail brushed under her chin as the cat crawled on the teen's lap. Her eyes darted between her desk and Usagi pacing between their room and shared bathroom; she was looking for something, muttering under her breath. The idea of showing off her talents from the Garden Club sounded tempting, even if it was getting late. 

"Usagi, should I do my work now or--" Miyako's words froze when her sister rushed out from the bathroom, her eyes wide and hair out-of-place.

"The kids aren't here. They're gone."

"What do you mean 'they're gone?'"

A silence just like downstairs filled the twin's room. The mess Usagi left in the shared room and bathroom was evidence to her search for the kids. That odd feeling she held onto since seeing the medium's tape crept up with her before she could realize. She could only watch with dreaded doom her sister slowly stand up with darkened eyes.

"I mean that they're gone-gone. Like, they're not in their rooms and Shingo said that he hasn't heard from them since coming home."

Whatever peace Miyako stored in her frail body crumpled to dust. Her hands flew to her hair as she looked out into the darkening sky. The setting sun that touched their backs was nowhere to be seen and the girl didn't want to start thinking of the dangers that could touch those three. 

 "I need to look for them before it gets too late--"

Just as Miyako reached for the door, Usagi's hand grabbed her shoulders, whipping her around so that she was held in place. An odd smile looked back at the blue-haired teen, almost taunting her. "There's no need to worry, Miyako, just calm down. You should stay here and I'll go--"

"How can I calm down when the three kids we were supposed to watch are missing? They're not familiar with this part of the city, Usagi. Anything could happen to them, and I am not going to stay here and stay calm when they're lives could be in danger." A force stronger than the blonde expected pushed her back. She stumbled to a shocked silence while her sister heaved a strong breath. "No, I'm not doing that! I'm going out to find them and you can't stop me!"

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