A Dancing Whale

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I've always had mixed feelings about summer break. On one hand I don't have to worry about school but on the other I knew that I would have to go full time to help support me and my sister. However, I hated summer when I was a kid. I would often come home to my parents wasted from their newest clubbing adventure. For some people alcohol makes them happy while others, like my parents, become mean and bitter taking out their anger on whoever's closest. Wether it's me, or each other.


I insert the key into the lock with a sigh, I wrestle the door open still not used to the broken handle. I live with my sister in a small 2 person apartment on the "not so nice" side of town. The apartment is on the cheaper side, leaving us with problems like the fact that every time it rains the house floods, or God forbid one piece of pizza stays out too long the house will be swarmed with Cockroaches. Much like the flooding, although instead of water its pure hate with wings, it renders the house useless cursing us to the depths of hell known as your nearest Red Roof Inn.

As I open the door I'm immediately berated with the smell of burning cheese and smoke. I immediately know Rebecca must have tried to make dinner again. I letting out a deep sigh. I drop my bag by the door and slide my shoes off along with it. I decide to follow the string of cuss words to the kitchen. Not bothering to say hello, I shove my sister out of the way and start cleaning up her mess. "Hey! I had it under control you know!" I give her an, "oh-really?" Look before going back to my chicken.

"I have some good news." At least I hope she thinks so.

" Oh? "

"I got excepted to the hotel summer job." At this, I turn to face her. Seconds tick by as she stares blankly as the plate she was holding slips from her fingers shattering harshly against the floor. I wrinkle my nose, "Hey! I spent 3 dollars on that!" I angrily hiss. "Get over it. " She deadpans, "Oh my gosh! You actually got in!" She says it more like a statement than a question but I nod either way.

"THEN START PACKING!" She bellows pushing me to my room. "But the chicken!"


I lean against the railing staring blankly at the sea. Enjoying the sun on my skin along with the plesent buzz of people around me I lazily watch the waves hit the side of the dock making soft thumping sounds. Suddenly, a horrendous noise reaches my ears catching me off guard. I spin around momentarily dazed trying to understand where the noise is coming from. That's when a humorous purple whale bus pulls up to the rest stop. A boy who had been chatting on the phone moments before now stares wide eyed at the monstrosity. "What the heck is that?!"

The doors open and a guy in a whale costume that stands about 6.2, the whale man carefully puts down a old beatbox and presses play. I never did understand the saying about not being able to look away from a train wreck until now, I stare dumbfounded as the giant orca begins to dance horrendously clapping his hand while walking in place to the blaring hip hop music. As the music stops the bus driver leans out, "Bus to paradise resort!"

We climb on the bus which leaves immediately as soon as we're in abandoning the poor mascot. I settle down for the ride at the back of the bus. Not being a terribly social person, I decide to listen to music in my headphones ignoring the other summer staff.

We open the doors and I'm immediately in awe. At the entrance of the hotel is a large marble fountain and not far past the fountain lies a giant aquarium with a live shark. The school I go to back home doesn't even bother clean their bathrooms, let alone have a fountain. I remember one year the clean water ran out in the school for a whole month, we were forced to make do of a couple water bottles which lead to 3 students passing out from the Arizona heat. A couple of the teens continue to chat while I fallow loosely behind them. A tan blond girl looks around and seems to get peeved at the touristy decorations, leaning over to whisper to a paler brunette who giggles at what she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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