So i was walking, i saw him, or was it ? him!
I didnt know. I had to chose.
I think i choose....
You pikachu! Lighting bolt, go!
And then i woke up from my dream.
I wake up at 5:50 to get ready for school. I am a freshie. I really like this. a lot.
I hate mysefl and I go on instatram btw follow me at ugh.lucy but no self promo tho!
I really think this guy like me.
He might even ask me to homcoming.
2 weeks later.
He didnt ask me.
I think he asked someone else.
I hate myself. jk
thats impossible. js
But lets just call this guy flavio. (becasue i dont want to tell you that his name is connor.)
Anyways flavio was being v rude for not asking me.
I think i hate him.
He sucs!
but i think i have a crush on anothier!
his name!
His name!
his name is weeklychris.
He makes me nervous.
I don't know if the editing in his eyes makes me weak or the dumb cutecumber pickup line but it's something. and i can tell you this. mt favirte fal vegatiable is a sweet popatoes.
I don't why but i think i love him.
frick flavio.
frick frick frick frick friCK flavio.
I heard it was even his birthday. but dont even give a beeeeep!
anyways! i think im going to go potty now?
I'll you on the otehr side. becasue i've actually been dead this entire time so this really awakrd but oh well !