"Lovely Lines" Dick x Dreamful!Reader

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From now on (🎶) I pledge you that I'll be updating this book every week. If I wont keep this promise then you can kill me guys.


~ Burnie


  " It was one day when I passed you in the hallway,
You were walking surrounded by your friends,
laughing at them and smiling at them.
It was only that one smirk of yours,
that I saw first and then I'd realised,
how beautiful it is.

  It was that one day that I fell for you so deeply,
It took me just one moment to look at you, And then puff! I'm under your magic spell.
It took me only one small glance at you,
To melt down under your stare.

   It was only a short moment, one short day
I first saw you at the door of our class,
The newbie from the other city,
that same day I'd realised how beautiful you are,
Your shining eyes, your soft hair, your lips,
When everything about you,
Just seemed so perfect and precious.

It was that one cold day,
when I gave you my english essay.
I still remember how sad you were,
When you noticed,
  you forgot to do your homework.
It was that one generous smile you gave me,
then said how grateful you are,
And with tha you made me fly up to the sky.

It was one year ago when I first met you,
when you casted your spell,
that one magic trick of yours,
which tied me up in it's magical webs.
It was your charm that made me struggle,
With which I still grapple.

It was that one year ago, one day, a while, when I started to stive against myself.
It was that one day when we first met,
that one fist smile you gave,
that one peep I'd taken at you.
When I drowned in the colour of your eyes, and when I melted every time you smiled.

It was that one day, year ago, that one time, that one minute,
when I finally realised,
I fortunately fell in love with you.
That I fell so deeply for you,
my dear (Y/N).

Your secret admirer ~ D. ♡ "

It was a rainy day in Gotham City and another boring day in Gotham High when young teen girl named (Y/N) found a love letter in her locker. She sighed with a small smile and went over the lovely handwriting. She looked around the school's hallway with bitsy hope to catch at least a glimpse of her secret admirer hiding somewhere and watching at her read the poem. She sighed sadly noticing nothing out of the ordinary and put the charming chit in her notebook. She glanced about again and turned her
(e/c) eyes back to her locker and closed it with little disappointment.

It was the third note she received these last two weeks, and she could tell by the writing that they were from the same person. Of course she knew that it was hilarious to has a crush on someone she wasn't even sure if she knew. She didn't have a clue who this D can possibly be, but the way he wrote about her always made a chill go down her spine.
She couldn't concentrate on studying because of this mystery man. She's been in this school for a year already and she did received some love letters for Valentine's but none of them has ever kindled her emotions in this way. She clutched the notebook close to her chest and couldn't help the broad smile that creep out on her small lips. She sighed dreamily sitting down at her desk beside one of her best friends (F/N). He looked up at her from the comics he was currently reading and smiled widely.

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