Part 2

74 11 5

Emon's p.o.v


I headed up to college

"Damn I'm late"

I ran towards my class,

"give me a way, please give me away"

I pushed my juniors away from my way.. because I'm LAAAAATEEE...

Finally reached my class.. hm.. I don't know which teacher is standing inside.. I peeked through the door, suddenly someone pinched my ears and dragged me in..

"YOU'RE LATE AGAIN..." My class teacher Renie yelled her throat out..

"ah...ah... miss I'm sorry" my ear was hurting.. really it's a painful day to my body..

"Sorry what sorry.. you better not to repeat this again, understand??? Otherwise I'm gonna call your grandma here f.." I cut her words

"I won't repeat this AGAIN... " I roared with pain.

The whole class started to giggle.. they're murmuring..

"Ok ok, go to your seat"- Renie ma'am said with a cute smirk.

I sat beside Jewel.. she's one of my bff and started talking.. "Renie ma'am have a very good knowledge about lullabies.. I wanna sleep, not only me but also the whole class..." -said jewel with a husky voice.

"And I'm hungry"- I smirked

"You're always hungry"- said jewel

"And you're always sleepy. Bitch I didn't eat anything.."- I complained

"Sh..."- jewel closed my mouth with her book

"BOTH OF YOU GET OUT"- Renie ma'am roared like a dragon.

"Come come let's go" - jewel took my hands and we left the class, went to the backside of our class.

"I'm so done with that dinosaur" said Jewel.

"Leave it Jew, let's eat something, I'm starving"- I rubbed my stomach and jumped like a child.

"Damn..come let's sit on that stairs" Jew pointed to the stairs below the old trees.

"I really love this nature, it's really beautiful. Trees, birds, roots,sun, moon!"

I stopped for a while

"Moon!"- I gulped

"Yeah Moon"- Jew said

"Yes Moon, omg omg omg why why"- I put my hands over my face.

"What happened to u, what's wrong with Moon?"- Jew wondered.

"Yesterday I had a dream, a Moonchild was kissing me without my permission" I sighed.

"Moonchild kiss?? Wow!! Omg lucky girl who's that boy?" Jew grabbed my hands and pulled her eyes out.

"Well I don't know, I don't even remember his face, but I remember his eyes, that's brown, when I looked at his eyes I could see a Galaxy in it... it's magical... and his touch.. his lips tasted like cherry, Jew my heartbeat is raising what's this" I was really confused and put my hands over my chest.

"It's called Love"- Jew stated

"Love?... No.. I don't even..." she cut my words.

"He's your soulmate and you're gonna meet him soon," Jew lifted my face up with her hand.

"I don't think so"- I offended.

"Guuuuuyyys whatcha doing here???"

"Ah here comes our sunshine"- Jew lifted her head up like a giraffe..

"Where were u Gizel? Why are u like this, don't u have any responsibility.."- I chuckled then laughed..

Gizel she's also one of my bff... our sunshine..

Gizel took her tiffin box out from her bag

"Aren't you hungry Emon???"- Gizel said

"Yayayayayayayayayayayaya" I started kidding around them.

"Hahahaha"- the three of us started laughing...

Author's P.O.V
Next episode: TaeHyung explaining his friends about his dream....
Stay tuned readers...💜

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