The Android cookie Mishap

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do people like  knowing what people have tasted but they haven't , like the Android cookie .

Everyone is asking me how does it taste?
I shouted I don't eat sweet,people
They said false
I said truth
They said then  who ate it ?
I replied my mummmmm
They said oh

Way back home
Reporters asked me how does the Android cookie taste
I shouted OMG WHY ME

Dear I saw you on TV said my mom
I replied mom thanks to the Android cookie every time people are asking me how does it taste
Sorry my daughter good thing that the Android cookie is still remaining in the fridge
That means we can hack the ingredients for the Android cookie
Yes let start

5 hours later
Finally we got it right
It took us a while but yea we got it let make it  for everyone tomorrow morning

Next 39 hours
Let sell it mum

Sweet Mama sugar shop
Hi sugar mama
We are going to give you 40 packs of Android cookie
Yeah said sweet Mama
Hurray I want going to my friend house for tommorow New year eve
Bye daughter

Note(end of the story and pls like me😭😭😭) and also the girl name was Liya

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