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- is the science of the motion of the projectiles and the condition that affects their motion.

- derived from the Greek word, forum meaning marketplace. The word forensic as applied to ballistics, or any other subject, suggests a relationship to courts or justoce and legal proceedings

Forensic Ballistics
- it is the science of firearm identification , or the study of recorded projectiles or ammunitions to identify the firearm, which fired them.

Gun Ballistics
- the study of projectiles from the time of shooting to the time of impact with the target.

Shot Ballistics
- the study of shotgun ammunition including its characteristics, spread and trailing.

Transition Ballistics
- sometimes called "intermediate ballistics".
- it is the study of the projectiles behaviour when it leaves the barrel and the pressure behind the projectile is equalized.

Wound ballistics
- the study of the effects of a projectile on a target and the conditions that affect them.

- refers to the mobility or movement of the projectile. This motion can be categorized into 3 general types. ( direct motion, rotatory motion, translation motion)
          *Types of Motion*
Direct motion - the forward motion of the bullet or shots, out of the action of the expansive force of gases from a burning gun powder.

Rotatory Motion - the action of the bullet passing through a rifled bore barrel forearm which is either twisted to the left or the right.

Translational motion- is the action of the bullet once it hits a target and subsequently ricocheted.

Origin of the word "BALLISTICS"
The term ballistics itsekf was derived from the Greek word "ballo" and "ballein" which literally means "to throw". Its root was employed in the name of an early Roman war machine called "ballista" - a gigantic bow or catapult which was used to hurl missiles or large objects like stones, against animals or their enemy forces.

The word Ballista (Latin), Ballistra (Greek), Ballistae(plural form) was a weapon developed from earlier Greek weapons. It relied upon different mechanics, using two levers with torsion springs instead of a prod, the springs consist]ng of several loops of twisted skein. Early versions ejected heavy darts, or spherical stone projectiles of various sizes for siege warfare. It developed into a smaller sniper weapon, the scorpio and possibly the polybolos.

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