Chapter Seventeen

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Two days later, you were on the bus to the training camp. Aizawa had told you that you were going to be coming along, so it wasn't too much of a surprise. You'd already known you were going to be there anyways, thanks to the man wanting to keep an eye on you after the Hawks situation.

You were idly reading your book in the back of the class, not bothering to talk to anyone. You didn't really care for anyone in the class, and they were all younger than you anyways. You felt that any conversation you could make with them would be awkward and unwelcome.

The ride there was longer than you had expected. You thought of the League's plans to infiltrate the camp itself and shuddered. You weren't looking forward to any of that. You hoped that you could have maybe saved Mustard from his fate, but you couldn't be sure until it was all over. And while you wished that you could give Aizawa some sort of a warning, you knew it wouldn't be wise. All for One had eyes everywhere in the shape of Aoyama.

The young student had been watching you, now, and you knew it was because the bad man himself had told him to. You couldn't get Aizawa alone without seeming suspicious. You hated that you were unable to do anything. You didn't know who's side you were even on anymore. You cared for Aizawa like you would a father figure, and he cared for his class. You wondered if he would still give a shit about you once he found out what you were doing.

You knew that it wasn't necessarily your fault- part of the reason you had joined the League had been due to blackmail, after all- but the other part of you had joined willingly. Joined so that you could tear the people who killed Nighteye to shreds. The hero deserved justice, and the police weren't going to give it to him.

You were glad you'd told Overhaul that you were going to be gone for a few days due to other work related things. You didn't want him to turn you into a puddle of gore over a miscommunication. He'd said it was fine, and you found yourself almost coming to like the man's company. And then you remembered what he did to Eri and hated him all over again. Damn you, and your easily swayed opinions on people!

Speaking of Eri, she'd been crestfallen to learn that you would be gone. You tried to console the poor girl, but she wouldn't have any of it. She buried herself in your arms, begging you not to leave her. You assured her that it would only be for a few days and that she didn't have to worry. She had sniffled and looked up at you, wide eyes filled with tears.

"What happens if you think it's only a little bit but you never come back?" she asked. You had to admit- she had a valid point. You could easily die at any point in time thanks to your dangerous company.

You reassured her anyways, telling her that you would always come back for her. You promised, and you ignored the way your heart clenched at her responding sob. She relented after a few more minutes of your comfort, finally believing you. The words echoed in your heart, and you realized that you'd been promising it to yourself as much as you had been to her.

When you arrived at the camp, you were met with a friendly voice. The woman who called out was female- wearing a red uniform with cat paws and ears. You faintly remembered her as Mandalay, a member of the Wild Wild Pussycats. "Heya, Eraser!"

You watched as Aizawa grunted, and the three girls did their introduction, complete with a signature pose at the end. You had to refrain from smiling at it. It was pretty funny to watch. You listened as you explained what they planned on doing, causing a few panicked looks from the students. Apparently, the harsh training regimen didn't sit well with them.

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