Chapter Two

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The thing was simple, you and Tom would be seen on a few dates, nothing special. You didn't want to be too on the nose about the whole thing.

Your sister's wedding was still a few weeks away and you only planned until then, not sure what was going to happen after. Tom said he had to start promoting one of his movies in a couple months so you figured he probably won't need the extra publicity anymore. You didn't think the press would be interested in you for that long anyway so it was only fair that your arrangement would end then, at the latest.

Shortly after you and Tom had agreed on doing this fake dating thing, your phone blew up with messages from your friends.

What the fuck Y/N?

your friend Marissa had sent in the group chat together with a screenshot of one of the numerous articles that featured the pictures of you and Tom.

When were you gonna tell us about this?

It didn't take long for your other friends to react.

Is this real?

I'm gone five seconds and this happens?

You move the phone over to Tom. "What am I supposed to tell them?" You scrunch your eyebrows together. You had dreaded this moment.

"Maybe it's time to think about 'our story', huh?" Tom asked and you nodded. You already knew that everybody at the wedding would want to know how you had met Tom and it'd be smart to think of something beforehand.

"Okay." You moved your mug to the side so you could lean closer to Tom, afraid someone would overhear what you were talking about. "It's probably easiest to stick to the truth as much as possible right? So we met here, by chance. And... I don't know. You spilt coffee on me?"

Tom raised his eyebrows, he was not convinced. "That just screams rom-com. How about..." He thought for a moment. "How about we stick even more to the truth. The place was packed and the only available seat was at my table." He shrugged his shoulders. "We just say it happened a few weeks earlier, we've been seeing each other ever since and the rest is history."

You kind of wanted to tell your family this ultra-romantic story about how you met, but you figured Tom's version, which was basically the truth with a few important details left out, would be more realistic.

"Yeah, that sounds reasonable." You smiled and Tom returned it, raising his mug.

"Let's do this." You chuckled and raised your mug as well and bumped it against his.


The next obstacle to overcome was telling your mum. You knew she would be ecstatic but you were still nervous. You were going to lie to your mother –your whole family– big time. So when you stood on the doorstep of your parent's house, you were nervous. You took a deep breath before opening the door, calling out that you were here. You heard rumbling from upstairs and not long after both your mum and Kate, your sister, who probably had been doing more wedding planning, came dashing down the stairs. You rolled your eyes at their eagerness.

"Y/N! It's so good to see you!" Your mum said as she engulfed you in a hug. "Now tell me everything about this boy." As if this is a high school crush we're talking about.

"Wow, will you let me sit down first?"

You told them the story exactly how you and Tom had decided on it, sticking as close as possible to the truth.

"And why haven't you told us sooner? Why did we have to read this in a magazine?" Your sister asked holding up a magazine that had been laying on the coffee table. You thought about it for a moment.

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