Chapter Eighteen

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The day went by agonizingly slow. You supposed that it had to do with the fact that you already knew what was going to happen. Whether you liked it or not, you were going to be kidnapped today. You weren't stupid enough think that they wouldn't be rough with you, either.

You idly watched as the students trained, dreading what would come in the dead of night. Aizawa noticed your anxiety, and when asked, you simply told him that you felt like something bad was going to happen. He knew that you knew the future and took your words as a warning, unbeknownst to you.

What terrified you the most was that Kota had run off after getting upset with Izuku. You told the young hero in training that you would go find him and promptly set off, searching all over the place for the poor boy. You tried your best to remember where he had run off to, but you didn't remember until a few hours into your search.

You suppose that you shouldn't have been surprised that he was at the cliff side. It was a quiet place with a nice view of everything. You huffed out a breath as you reached the top, not having expected to hike this far into the woods. You were far from the camp now, far too distant for them to hear you if you were to call for help.

"What are you doing here?" the kid demanded as you came next to him.

"I came up here to make sure you were okay, but..." You looked towards the quickly setting sun and paled. It wouldn't be long before the League of Villains' plan was put into action. "We need to go."

It had taken you hours to find Kota- and in that time, you'd failed to realize how late it had gotten. And now you were here, where Muscular was bound to show up. You really didn't like that man. He was terrifying, and if he found you here... you didn't even want to think about what would happen. You didn't doubt that he would hurt you- and more importantly, that he would hurt Kota.

He noticed how nauseous you looked and stood up, concerned. "What's wrong?"

"We need to leave," You repeated, moving towards him as a figure emerged from the darkness. "Now."

The figure chucked slowly, and you clenched your fists. You had been too late. Now Muscular was here, and you were probably going to have to watch as he murdered the defenseless boy.

No, you thought to yourself. You wouldn't do that. You wouldn't let him kill an innocent child, even if he wanted to. You'd stop that from happening at all costs. By no means were you a hero, but you were a decent person. Now you just needed to find a way out. Muscular was blocking the main path off the cliff, and the ground below was suicide.

"It's going to be okay," you told the boy as he recognized Muscular's face. You knew what he was thinking right now. He was remembering his parents, who Muscular had killed. They hadn't been able to escape him, so how could he? But you were determined. Determined to do one bit of good for once in your life. You'd fucked up endlessly ever since you'd entered this world. From being the cause of Nighteye's death to officially joining the League of Villains, you weren't the best person. But you had to try to save this kid.

"Hey there, girly," Muscular said. "Mind moving so I can squash the brat behind you?"

"He's off limits," you told him coldly, watching as he laughed at your response. You tried to stop yourself from shaking.

"Off limits?" he cackled. "No one's off limits when it comes to me except for you. Move it or I'll bash your skull to bits."

You knew realistically that he wouldn't do that because of the mission, but you were still terrified. Even so, you stood your ground, standing in front of Kota protectively.

It was either Muscular or the cliff, you realized. There was no getting out of this alive. You were scared of the jump, but you were even more scared of Muscular. So, when he moved to attack, you whisked around, grabbed the child waiting behind you, and jumped.

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