Chapter 5 Old Demons

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As I watched Gizelle sleep I was feeling guilty. Guilty because I had a girl at home waiting for me and here I was sleeping with my neighbor. I can't lie and say I wasn't feeling her because I was. When I felt her stir in her sleep I couldn't help how beautiful she looked. I had to get out of this room before I go any further. Sneaking out her room and going into mine, I felt like a teenage boy. Realizing that it was now 3 pm I decided to get in the shower and prepare an early dinner for us since her mom and her daughter was still gone. After my thirty minute shower I headed downstairs into the kitchen. Frying the meat I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I knew exactly who they were.
"Hey sleepy head" I said while turning around facing her.
Her hair was in a small bun. She had on shorts and my t shirt I had previously wore. She looked beautiful without any makeup. She kissed my lips while I sighed. It was now or never. I turned down the grease and led her over to the table adjacent to the stove.
" we got to talk man, I didn't expect it to go this for, but it's now or never"
"Wha.. What are you talking about?" I could tell she sensed something. I didn't want to break her heart but it's what's right
"Elle I got a girl, temptation grabbed me and it brung you down with me" I pleaded
"WHAT THE FUCK RO!, I GAVE MY TOKEN TO YOUR ASS AND YOU HAVE A GIRL" she was so furious, she started punching me on my chest. It didn't phase me at all, all I could do was hold her
"Why Ro why? Why me?" She asked sobbing into my shirt
" I'm sorry baby girl" I couldn't finish what I was saying because we were interrupted by the laughter of her daughter
"Momma why you cry" little G spoke while holding her mothers hand
"Nothing baby lets go upstairs and tell me about your day with grandma"
~Gizelle POV
I couldn't believe what Roman told me. Was I hurt? Yeah but I sucked it up and put on my big girl panties. I now knew what I had to do which was stay clear of Roman throughout this trip. As I listened to Niala tell me about her day with my mother I couldn't help but wonder what my mom has planned for tonight. She told me get ready for dinner tonight at 6.
Later at Dinner
As I dressed Niala I heard familiar voices. It was right at the tip of my tongue but I couldn't figure it out. As I finished dressing Niala I let her wait for me while I finished getting dress. After I was dressed I made my way to the kitchen while holding my daughters hand.The closer I got the clearer I heard the unknown voices laugh. As I stepped in the kitchen I stopped dead in my tracks when I was face to face with Jeffrey. He looked better than he did three years ago. His chest was tatted, a full goatee, and nice strong arms that seems so protecting. You could tell he was shocked and furious as he looked from me and Niala. As I started walking to the table he got up and brushed passed me. I made Niala's dinner and put her in the seat before I went looking for Jeffrey. As I made my way throughout the house I figured he was outside. As I opened the door I saw him smoking an L. I chuckled same old Jeff.
"You never change huh?" I said with a slight grin on my face
"Man wipe that fucking grin off your face, why the hell am I just finding out you had a baby ? Huh!?" He asked harshly
" Jeffrey don't start!" I yelled " when I told you about Niala you went off, you told me you didn't want a baby, it would only distract right?" I was fuming red all over my face
" do you know how long that was ? I tried to get in touch with you and guess what? You moved and changed your number! I wanted to be apart of my child's life and you took that shit away from me," he was screaming so loud I was scared. I felt like a teenage girl being yelled at by her father.
"You never reached out! I wanted you to at least meet her, but if you really tried to reach out you would've asked my mother for my mother?"
" you know what bring my daughter out here and introduce us" he said looking me dead in the eyes. As I was turning around I wanted to say something but thought against it. Walking into the kitchen I picked Niala up ignoring the glares I was getting from the others.
"Momma where we going?" Niala asked in her sweet voice
"To see your daddy" as soon as I said that she was so excited and was already hopping out of my arms . When we finally made it outside she jumped into Jeffery's arms screaming daddy. You can tell he was shocked and yet excited because it was seen all over his face
"Daddy daddy daddy,why' I never saw you" she asked him tilting her head to the side and playing with his chain
" daddy had to take care of a few things but I'm here now" he said while hugging her so tight
"Daddy, I love you" she said while kissing him. I made sure I took a picture and put it on Instagram later.
He replied with an 'I love you too'. Once he put her down we watched her run into the house . I wanted to talk first but it had seemed that a huge lump had formed in my throat. I noticed he sensed my unconformity so he began the conversation.
" so how are we gonna do this?, I live here and you live in New York, Gee I don't want to have my baby fatherless again alri-" before he can even finish his sentence I kissed him. I kissed his lips with so much passion it left him dumb founded when I pulled away. I lifted out the seat to go inside the house but he pulled me close to him and crushed his lips into mine. I was so wrapped up into the kiss that I forgot we was still on the porch.
"I missed you" I admitted shyly
"I'm gone keep it a buck with you I missed your ass like crazy, but the stunt your little ass pulled was not sitting right with me ma"
"I know and I'm sorry" I said while pecking his lips once more
"Apology accepted now come on so we can eat". As we walked into the house hand in Hand I watched at Roman eyed me murderously. I was so caught up with Jeff and I problems that I walked past his parents. I ran into their arms like a kid after seeing their parents for the first time after sleep away camp.
" hi mom hi dad" I said with a cheesy smile on
" hi G baby " the both said in unison. As we finished our greeting we all sat down to eat

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