Chapter 2

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People were crying in fear as Kid Danger and I entered the bank. A girl about Henry's age was tying people up with chains. She wasn't using a padlock and seemed to make the chains appear out of thin air. I figured she was using one of the powers Gooch had mentioned. The girl wore an all black costume that was similar to Kid Danger's except her pants were skinnier, she wore knee-high combat boots and gloves that were the same style as mine. The only difference was that they went up to her elbows. The girl also wore a black mask that was the same style as Henry's.

I saw that the girl was the only one out, but I knew Illusion was around. "Excuse me?"

The girl quickly turned around, looking startled and scared as she saw us. "W-Wha-What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here. You'll ruin everything."

I was a little confused about the girls reaction. Usually the criminal acted tough and wasn't afraid. The girl was clearly terrified even though she tried her best not to be.

"I think you should let these innocent people go. When that's done, we can talk and try to resolve this situation."

The girl looked even more terrified at the mention of letting the people go. I could have swore I saw her knees shaking.

"NO! I can't do that. Master will be very angry with me if I let the hostages go. He'll send me back to the dark room if I disobey him."

I looked at the girl and was about to say something, but I was cut off as a man walked out from the back of the bank. I stiffened and glared at Illusion as the criminal walked up and stood beside his sidekick, all the while sneering at me.

"Well, if it isn't Captain Man and Kid Danger. Such a pleasant surprise. I see you've met my sidekick. She's awfully shy when she meets new people."

The girl didn't look at Illusion. She looked like she wanted to get away from him. Fear filled the girl's eyes and I wondered why. The girl glanced at me with a feeling I couldn't make out. At that moment, Illusion decided to change things up.

"This isn't very fun. How about we play a game? Mirror?"

It seemed like some sort of message passed between the two. Mirror didn't seem to like what was said, but sighed like she had no choice. Before I could react, a chain shot out from Mirror's hand and locked the doors shut. Then, Mirror shot a chain at a piece of broken concrete nearby. The chain wrapped around the piece and, using all her strength, Mirror swung the block at Kid and I. Using myself as a barrier, I wrapped my arms around Kid Danger, shielding him from the concrete. The block hit me full force, sending a wave of pain up my back. I cried out as Kid and I were flung to the other side of the room. The pain ebbed away as I uncurled myself from Kid Danger. Besides being a bit dusty, he was ok. As I looked up, I saw that Illusion and Mirror were surrounded by goons. There were bags of money around Illusion and he was holding some sort of red ball.

"Well, this was fun, but we should be going. Cheerio!"

Illusion threw the ball to the ground and it exploded, shrouding the villains in red smoke. The smoke stung my eyes and made me cough. By the time I was able to see, Illusion, Mirror and the goons were gone, along with the money.

"I can't believe they got away. We could have taken them."

Henry was storming around the man cave. He was just as mad as I was, but I didn't really pay attention to him. I was looking at security photos from the bank while Charlotte worked the controls.

"Stop here."

Charlotte paused in her scrolling. The photo was a close up of Mirror. I wasn't sure what it was, but there was something about her that seemed familiar. The way she acted around Illusion made it seem like she was scared of him. Her behavior wasn't like that of a normal villain sidekick.

"Charlotte, zoom in and enhance the image."


Charlotte did as I asked. I looked at Mirror's face, taking in the details, and felt my breath get stuck in my throat. On the bottom of Mirror's right cheek was a scar. I'd know that scar anywhere. A small smile formed on my face and a tear pricked the corner of my eye.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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