the unblocked rewrite! (a/n)

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hello my dear readers of UNBLOCKED!

if you still have this in your library and are getting this update like two years after i finished writing this book, then hello! i have some really exciting news to share!

for a few months i have been working on a re-imagined version of this story, so technically a rewrite, and have been writing up several chapters so far.

it's a story with a similar set up but a vastly different plot (it quickly turned into a theatre au as soon as i started getting into writing it). the main characters are also all there but some of them are different to the original, so you'll have to look out for that. also there will be many changes to the plot, with character back-stories that i didn't go into in the first version (or that i've completely changed in the new one).

anyway, that's my news!

the re-imagining of UNBLOCKED will be published soon so stay tuned...


a re-imagining of 'unblocked'


i am super hyped for this project! as a few hints before i start publishing it, i can tell you that it may be a little darker, a little more dramatic, and maybe a little more mature. there will be some shakespeare, a new gang of theatre kids, and some things you may not expect.

it will also be completely written in narrative! so say goodbye to jinyoung's group chats and text messages, and say hello to a book you won't be able to put down... or click off, i guess.

that's it for now, head over to my profile to find the rewrite called RETROGRADE PLANET if you're interested :) add it to your library and await my beautiful (and almost non-existent) upload schedule!

once again, thank you so much for all of your support, and for taking the time to read my work. stan got7.

(also, as a side note, you calling my name is literally the only thing going through my head right now. and when they came back with it i was like "this is literally ever yugyeom solo song concept ever" and "got7 who? i only know yug7" like they literally sent me back to biasing yugyeom with those pleather suits wtf)

 and when they came back with it i was like "this is literally ever yugyeom solo song concept ever" and "got7 who? i only know yug7" like they literally sent me back to biasing yugyeom with those pleather suits wtf)

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