Love Bites

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⚠Light nsfw warning⚠
Gem reader × Spinel
G/N = Gem name/Nickname
G/T = Gem Type

You and Spinel have been together for about 2 years. You met shortly after she arrived to Homeworld, your name was G/N and you were just a simple G/T. you and Spinel became friends, best friends, then more~ 

You understood each other very well and had many things common and even similar experiences with fake friends, you helped her with her problems and she helped you with yours, you were more than perfect for eachother, it also helped that you were assigned by the Diamonds to be her personal guard. But there was something particular that Spinel really really liked about you.. It was your teeth. Now that does sound weird at first but in her defence, you had possibly the sharpest teeth she's seen. Though she's seen other gems with sharp teeth, and even her herself has cute little fangs, but yours.. Oh god. There were two sides to her liking of your fangs, one side of her thought they looked adorable, and the other side was just begging you to fucking bite her. 

" Spinel?? "

You snapped your fingers in front of Spinels face a few times, trying to snap her back into reality.

" H-huh..? "

She blinked a few times, sitting up straight and rubbing her face, was she.. Drooling..?

" Hehe, you zoned out mid-game, you okay? "

You chuckled. You were both playing a card game before she zoned out. You pushed a strand of hair out of your face before locking eyes with Spinel.

" U-uh- yeah! Never been better.. " 

Her face flushed red as she fiddled with the cards in her hand.. Why is it so hot?

" You sure? You don't look okay.. "

You kinda knew what was going on, you could tell Spinel was thinking of something.. risque.. But you couldn't pinpoint what. Spinel continued to fidget, it was obvious she wanted to ask you something, and now it was really starting to bug you. 

" Come on Spinel, I know you're hiding something. Just tell me! I'm not gonna get mad, if that's what you're afraid of.. "

Spinel bit her lip as she stared down at the floor

" Your gonna laugh at me! It's embarrassin'.. "

You smiled warmly while moving closer to Spinel and gently placing your hand on her thigh

" I promise I won't laugh, just tell me. " 

Spinels face flushed bright red as her eyes darted back and forth, contemplating if she should ask or not. But unfortunately her mouth moved before her mind

" I w-want you to bite me! "

You and Spinel both froze.. Staring at each other, both of your faces flushed. 

" G-GAh!- I-I mean- uhm- uGgh.. " 

Spinel groaned as she covered her face in embarrassment she just wanted to turn invisible. You on the other hand just sat there in shock, you needed to process this for a minute. Spinel is into biting. Spinel wants you to bite her. WHERE DOES SPINEL WANT YOU TO BITE HER!!? And it most certainly didn't help that Spinel was acting all adorable and flushtard. So you decided to just act on your instincts.

" ...Spinel~ "

Spinel looked up at you, but before she could open her trap, you pulled her in and dug your sharp fangs into her neck. Spinel froze. You could feel her body began to heat up and you felt her tense, then shiver. You only let go for a minute before latching onto another spot on her neck. You heard her whimper this time, fuck~ 

You bit another spot on her neck, she wrapped her arms around your waist. Next thing you knew, you were covering her neck with bites, being sure to leave marks, she is yours and ONLY yours after all~ 

Once you were done you pulled away and admired your work. Spinel was a mess, she was drooling a bit, her face was dusted a light pink, she was trembling and she practically had hearts in her eyes. You gently kissed her forehead before moving to her lips. She almost melted when you bit her lip. You pulled away and began to cuddle her.

" Ya'know.. You don't have to be so embarrassed to ask me to do stuff like that~"

" I knoooow… I can't help it though.. Your so pretty G/N, and pretty people are hard to talk toooo~"

You blushed and rolled your eyes before kissing your girlfriends forehead and continuing to cuddle her.

Hope you all enjoyed!! Still getting used to this × reader stuff so go easy on me!
(Next one is gonna be Human Reader × Spinel)

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