Chapter 1: Truth

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If only I could leave this world. I dont belong here. Please take me away! The words echoed in her head If only I was in another world!


Marry opened her eyes only to be met with a pure white nearly blinding her. Before she was able the chance to even turn her head in an attempt to discover her surrondings she was suddenly gripped by what seemd to be several tiny pitch black hands. They pulled her through the largest door she had ever seen. Intricate designs were carved into it as well as foreign words in which she couldn't decipher. Before she could even move she was sent sprawling through the door which had just opened.

In only a heartbeats time information was suddenly being crammed into her head. Fact after fact piling up giving her the feeling that her head was splitting in two. The information was overfilling in her mind but it would not stop as it all crammed into her head giving the worst migrane she had ever experienced. Then everything just cleared. An immediate understanding flowed through her but was ended too abruptly as she found herself once again staring at the door; all the clarity was lost.

She spun around quickly to find a shocking sight. She was suspended in a white existence with nothing around her. Well almost nothing. Across from her stood what seemed to be the form of a female body but it was hard to make out seeing as the only distinction from the body and the whiteness around them was a shadowed outline. A sudden fear seeped into Marry's veins as she put the peices together in her mind and realized exactly where she was. She still had to ask the question even though the reply she would gain was obvious.

"What...who...are you?" she asked the words finally escaping through her lips even though she was positive that she was holding them firmly shut. Just as she thought the figure replied with the words that had been etched into her mind.

"Who am I? One name you might have for me is The World, or you might call me The Universe, or perhaps God, or prehaps the Truth. I am all and I am one, so of course this also means that I am you."

The immediate shock nearly made her knees give out as her theory was proven correct. She was at the Gate from her favorite anime Fullmetal Alchemist. This must be a dream she thought even though it was painfully obvious that it couldn't in the slightest be just a figment of her imagination. Then an unbearingly frightening thought crossed her mind.

"What do I have to sacrafice?' It took her a moment to realize that these words were not from her thoughts. She had spoken them aloud quite clearly for Truth to hear.

An unbelievengly large grin crossed Truth's face as it said its next words "Your memory". The words echoed through Marry's mind as she stood in complete shock.

"But why?"

"Well i am granting you your wish am I not" the answer came back in that terrifying echoeing voice.

"My wish?" Marry asked. Then a complete realization washed over her. She had wished to be in another world. "" she stuttered shaking.

"To late" Truth said its grin seemingly growing even wider. The suddenly everthing turned black as Marry was sucked into the oblivion of a deep dark sleep.

A/n: So here is the beginning of my Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood story. Warning large spoilers ahead after this chapter so if you haven' watched FMAB I suggest you do before reading more. Also sorry for such a short chapter this was more like an intro to the story. Thanks for reading :D

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2014 ⏰

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