Looking Into the Dark

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I've had very weird things happen in my life... but this is the most bizarre moment beyond all of it.

 I sat in my room drawing these landscapes with charcoal that I'd hoarded in my desk. It was like the drawing could just become reality with the snap of a finger; just so realistic that you could actually walk into the paper; nothing else like it. But the drawings weren't that pleasing to people; more like very depressing and empty; no color to create meaning. I was about to enter that empty world; prepared or not.

 I decided to take a break and walk down the road. It got very cold later on as the moon started to peak over the hills. The leaves rustled on the ground, the trees casted eerie shadows, and the sounds of owls hooting and twigs snapping echoed through the woodline that rested beside the gravel road. Then it all started to change. The air became still, the creatures of the forest remained calm, and all of the illuminating figures in the night sky darkened except for the full moon that shined like pure silver.

 I stood petrified, but I knew that there was more to do than to stand. I started to walk further... until I couldn't feel the ground under my feet. All went black and the sounds of the wind echoed through this void. Never have I felt this terrified.

 I could then feel the ground beneath me... only to find myself in this barren world of grey... all the trees burnt to the stumps. What made me frightened even more was the landscape itself was like one of my charcoal drawings. The first questoin that popped into my mind was "How did this happen?"

 The world was beyond the ordinary; obviously. I felt like the only one in existence... the only one that should exist. It's like I could just reach out to grab my desires, but all that comes up is dust. Just the apple floating in mid-air like Maggret's painting, or the floating castle over the sea. Just a surrealic world.

 In the distance, I could see a tree that stood on a tall hill, and to my surprise, there was an apple. I ran for the tree as fast as I could. But when I got to the tree, it was rotted down to the soil.

 After I left the hill, the sky became black as coal, the moon became red like blood, and the groud broke open with the shrieks of evil spirits and blood that burnt the stumps.

 I started running away, but I wasn't fast enough. The spirits came for me and flew through my body; weakening my muscles. I started to fall from the blood that seeped to my feet and started to deteriorate. My eyes filled with blood from looking at the aparitions. I couldn't feel a thing during all of this, but the only thing I could think of was "I have been condemned to a place like Hell. Nothing can save me from this. Take it all away so I may no longer suffer." There went my last breath; evaporating in the arid land.

 My soul left my body with the sense of youth. I could feel, see, and hear again. But I wasn't in that world; I was in the void once again. The sounds of the wind echoed through my head, and the feel of grould wasn't there.

 Then I heard the sounds of a train coming its way. It came closer, and closer, and closer... and there it was. The long black train of Hell. I could feel fright flowing through my soul, and then the train hit me.

 I woke up screaming from the impact. I looked around my room only to see everything in it's normal place. I then thought "it was all a dream... just a dream." But then I could here the twinkling from a music box. I looked up, and then saw my nightmare come alive. My heart stopped immediately, I could no longer feel, and most disturbingly... the loook of fright frozen on my dead-white face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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