Stole My Heart - Chapter 17

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A/N: I DON'T CARE IF YOU NEVER READ MY AUTHOR'S NOTE. I NEED YOU TO READ THIS ONE! This story's going to be ending soon. I know I have at least two dedicated readers (bless your souls). If anyone would like to have any input, I will be starting a new fanfic as soon as I finish this one. It can be on any of the boys. Hell, the first to comment on this...I'll write one for you if you'd like. So, give me your input! :) I hope you enjoy Chapter seventeen!

Edit: So, I dedicate this chapter to AshleyADaniels! Seriously, the sweetest girl EVER! You should all go fan her and read her book! It's great! Thanks Ashley for making me smile and inspiring me to continue writing! :)


Baylee's POV:

"I don't know what to do! They won't listen to me!" Louis freaks.

"Woah! Wait! What are they even fighting about?!" I ask, seriously confused.

"Well...Baylee, I kind of made a mistake. accidentally told Liam that Zayn kissed you and he got really upset." Louis looks down as he says this, obviously very ashamed.

My jaw drops; I'm extremely dissapointed in Louis.

"Louis! Why would you do that?! I thought I could trust you!"

"Baylee I didn't mean too! Usually I can keep secrets but it just slipped out! I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking! I'm sorry and I know I can't take it back or repay you but right now we really need to go break them up!" He screams in terror and shame.

I rub my forehead in frustration.

"Louis, fine. You just...You can't do this again. Where are the boys?"

Louis grabs my hand and drags me out the door.

"They're in Liam's room!" he says while we enter the elevator.

I tap my foot like I usually do when I'm anxious. I finally have time to think about this situation as we wait for the elevator to reach Liam's floor.

Why would Liam get so mad? Why does it even matter to him? Unless...No, Liam can't like me!

I try to get information from Louis to reassure myself.

"Wait, Louis. Do you know any reason why Liam got so mad? You know, about me and Zayn?" I ask, hoping for some answers.

"No, not at all!"

I slowly nod my head as I hear screaming in the distance. I immediately recognize it as Zayn and Liam screaming at each other.

"Hurry! Come On!" Louis shouts as the elevator doors open and he darts towards Liam's room.

"Wait, how do we get in?" I ask, worried.

"I snuck a key when I left!" Louis explains.

He quickly shoves the card into the slot, and as soon as the light turns green we rush into the room. I walk in to find Zayn throwing a punch at Liam. Liam quickly ducks and successfully punches Zayn in the face, causing his head to jerk backwards. I hear a large "CRACK" and see blood rush from Zayn's nostrils.

"LIAM!" I scream.

I run over to Zayn's side and sit, propping his head up on my legs, letting his neck rest on my thigh. Throughout all this, Zayn doesn't say a word.

"Zayn are you okay?" I shriek.

He lets out a moan and at this point, I'm not really sure how to feel. I feel sympathy for him because he got knocked out, but he also threw the first punch!

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