nani's b-day

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at school

deavion:i cant take this anymore its like carring around twice your own dam weight

nani:you dont say btw how many months are you

deavion5 3 more dam months

nani:im finally 7 i turned 7 3 weeks ago

jasmine:happy birthday lil cousin

nani:thank you

deavion:oh yea happy birthday

nani:thank you

melissa:happy birthday nani

tatianna:happy birthday

nani:thanks with lots of love lol

prod:happy bday 

prince:happy bday

roc:happy birthday to you

ray:happy birthday love (kisses nani)

nani:thank you guys 

prince:what you doin

nani:nuthin cause i go nae nae right here 


deavion:on other hands i cant belive your due date iss the day before graduation

nani:i know im tight 

(bell rings)

prince:well later

deavion:bye (walks away with prince)


jasmine:nani look what they all got you for your birthday go open errthang

nani:stop it and ok

ray:i got you this a panda phone case 

nani:thank you (kisses ray)

deavion:i got you this some black skinnys and a pink hello kitty shirt

nani:ok that i love thank you (hugs dede)


tatianna:this is for my hello kitty lovin best friend i got you a black hello kitty bag and a hk neclace

nani:tank youuuu (hugs tatianna)


prod:i didint know what type stuff you liked so i got you a pink and white jacket

nani:thanks (hugs prod)

roc&mel:we got you this blue and whit jordans and a i love hello kitty 

nani:thank you or yal either way thanks

after opening everything 

nani:thanks guys


sasha:yall might wanna leave my mom is home so go

e/b:bye and happy birthday

nani:thanks and bye 

ray:(kissess nani) love you and happy 18th birthday

nani:thank you

NM:so now you wanna come home after i was looking for you and stuff and you say nun of ya buisness


sasha:im going to mari house love you mom happy birthday lil sis

nani:thank you

NM:no no no no your in so much trouble

nani:hunny boo boo im 18 your done controlling me 

NM:thats what you think in my house we have rules and as long as you live here youll follow bye them

nani:what ever

NM:your gonna respect me because before ray came and got you pregnant you was not acting like this

nani:your point thers some pionts in time were my harmones are gonna go off the roof top and im gonna get smart with you but do i mean to do it know so you cant really get mad

NM:my point before ray came you was a tottaly diffrent girl you wanted to go to starwood high to fufill your dreams in being a singer and know your only 18 today and is having a child 

nani;mom why do you care so much



NM:BECAUSE I DONT WANNA LOOSE YOU LIKE I LOST SASHA she got pregnant at 16 and gave it up for abortion and know she is just here when ever shes of from college shes leaving tommrow night i dont want to loose my little baby like i lost my first one

nani:momy youll never loose me ill always be hear trust me i will and what i said over the phone was just me being mad causeyou called me by my full name and you know i hate that

NM:no i should be the one saying sorry im sorry i was just worried about you

nani:its ok ilove you mom( hugs her mom)

NM:how is nae nae

nani:why every one keep calling her thatand shes very ruelike me

NM:hmmm aint she you gonna be going throught that fase with her soon'

nani:ima tear that a... butt if she do sum like dat

NM:you did it and you lucky i aint beat you

nani:yeah and i dont want her to make the dum mistake her mommy made 

NM:she wont 


later at 9 

nani:night mom


sasha:sorry imlate me and morry just hung for the day he said hes gonna miss me real bad so we gonna hang tommrow 

NM:its all good only cause you leavin tommrow night good night


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