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        "(Y/N)!" Matsuda yelled while dropped all my tea.

        "MATSUDA WHAT THE HECK?!!" I yelled. The tea stung my leg.

        "Oh s-sorry! haha." He laughed and scratched the back of his neck. "A-anyway, I want to go over the Kira case with you." He sits next to me, right next to me.

        "Matsu, can you scoot over a little? Please?" I say scooting over almost falling off the couch.

        "Ahck! I am messing up so much today! I am sorry (Y/N)!" He says scooting over.

        "Thanks, and didnt L tell you not to work on the case right now?" I say smirking at Matsuda.

        "He did? Crap, that ruins everything. I was gonna ask you to lunch to dicuss it with you." He says face palming.

        "Yep. But we can still go on that lunch date right?" I say smiling with my eyes.

        "R-really?!" He says with a gleam in his eyes.

        "Yep!" I lean over and give Matsuda a peck on the cheak. Some red substance comes from his nose. "M-matsu? Is your nose bleeding?"

        "WOULD YOU LOOK AT TH-THE T-TIME I GOTTA G-GO! S-SEE YOU (Y/N)!" Herells and runs from the room.


        Fun_Fan_Fictions_ Wrote this Epilouge for me!! But the rest will be from me! More chapters coming soon!

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