chapter one~

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Craig's p.o.v
I'm so bored! I can't do much while I'm sick. I hate getting bed ridden, because I always feel so weak and like a chubby baby. (a/n I'm laughing so hard, that I'm tearing up. xD) I was just in bed eating some soup when I got a text message. It startled me. I grabbed my phone that was on the night stand next to my bed.

I looked to see who texted me. It was Evan. I love him so much. Yes, I have a crush on my friend. Deal with it. I was in my thoughts when my phone buzzed again, startling me for the second time.

E: Hey Craig.

C: Hello.

E: I hope you're feeling better man. I feel bad for giving you the flu when you came over to take care of me.

C: No it's fine. At least you're feeling better.

E: Okay. I think it's my turn to take care of you now. ;)

C: Haha, okay.

E: I already got a ticket, and I know your address.

C: Okay. When do you leave, and how long will you be staying?

E: In about two hours, and for three weeks.

C: Oh, okay. See you then. Oh, and also, there's a spare key under the mat.

E: Thanks! Bye!

Oh god, he's coming here for three weeks. What if I screw things up? What if he doesn't like me back when I tell I have a crush on him? I remember how I developed these feeling towards Evan. It was when he had the flu, and I took care of him. It was one day in particular that made me want to date him.

He asked me to help him up, so he could take go to the bathroom to take a shower. I helped him take off his shirt. My god, he was muscular. I am too, but he's a little more muscular than me.
I decided to take a nap while I wait for him. I put my soup on the night stand, and my phone as well. I took off my glasses and turned off the lamp. I cuddled close to my most favourite stuffed animal; A cat. It always reminded me of my grandmother. She was the one who gave it to me, before she pasted. I miss her so much, but at least I have something to remind me of her.

After what felt like ages, I finally fell asleep. I started dreaming about Evan and I. Evan was always so beautiful in my dreams. Wait, what am I saying? He's always beautiful! It was so peaceful in my dreams. They usually take place in a park at night. But this dream was different, it wasn't in the park at night or any of the other places in my dreams. It was a bedroom. Evan and I were on the bed sitting close to each other.

Then all of a sudden, Evan pins me to the bed. "E-Evan? What are y-you doing?" I asked shocked.
He grinned and said, "To do this Craig.~" After he said that, he kissed me on the lips. I was surprised at first, but then I kissed back. He slowly moved one of his hands down to my stomach. He put his hand up my shirt and under my back. We parted from the kiss for air, and we just looked into each others eyes. Evan pulled me closer to him and put his soft lips on my neck. He was looking for my sweet spot, I think.

"Ngh~ E-Evan..." I moaned quietly. I think he found it. He just kept sucking on my sweet spot, until he made a hickey. "I've marked you mine.~" Evan said sexually.

Then, my dream ended. "Wow, that was... I have no words for what I just dreamt about." I said aloud. I was about to grab my
phone when I heard the front door being opened. "Hello? Craig, where are you?" Evan asked. "I'm in my room dude." I said stretching. I heard footstep coming closer, and then I saw his cute face. "Hey Craig, how's it going?" Evan asked calmly. "Everything is going fine." I said squinting. "Dude, do you need your glasses?" "Yeah, can you grab them for me please?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Yeah sure. Here you go." Evan said handing me my glasses. "Thanks." I said shyly.

"Hey, umm, Craig? Do you mind if I sleep? I didn't get any on the plane." Evan asked rubbing his neck. "Yeah sure, the guest room is to the right, and the bathroom is to the left." I said pointing to the rooms. "Okay, thanks man." "You're welcome."


I hope you guys will like this pairing and chapter. Personally, I like this pairing. I just find it a cute couple.

Bye Bye friends/readers.

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