chapter eleven~

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-In the morning-

Third p.o.v

Surprisingly, Evan was the first to get up. Although, Evan only got about two hours of sleep. He didn't want to wake Craig up, so he slowly and quietly got out of the bed. Once he was fully out of the bed, he went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

Evan had cereal and he made toast, eggs and pancakes. (PUNCAKES! No? okay.) Craig woke up and went into the kitchen. 'My god. My head hurts like hell.' The British man thought to himself. Once he got to the kitchen, he sat down at the table. "Morning Craig." Evan said calmly. "M-morning." Craig replied tiredly. "I made you some breakfast." Evan stated pointing at the plate. "Thank you, but I'm not hungry." Craig retorted.

"Dude, you need to eat. I don't want you blacking out again." Evan stated. "But mooooooom! I'm not hungryyyyyy!" The tired male said in a whiny voice. "Listen to your mother, now eat. You don't need to eat all of it." Evan said chuckling. "Okay, fine." Craig replied. He picked up the piece of toast and bit into it. Evan walked away to go take a shower, Craig stayed at the table eating and holding his head.

~time skip~

Craig's headache didn't go away, nor did it show any sign of weakening. (People who get headaches, a lot, would know what I'm talking about) Craig got up from the table and put his plate in the sink. He went into the living room and laid down on the sofa. Evan walked in and raised his eyebrow. 'What's wrong with Craig? I should ask.' The Canadian said to himself. He walked over to Craig and knelt down. "Craig, you feeling okay?" Evan questioned. "No, not really. I have a headache." Craig replied with pain in his voice.

Evan's p.o.v

"Do you need pain reliever?" I asked. "Yes! Please! There in the bathroom in the cabinet." Craig informed holding his head. "Okay! I'm on it!" after I said that, I practically ran to the bathroom. I looked through the cabinets, and found the pain reliever. I ran back to Craig, and got him some water and gave him the a pill. He took both things, he put the pill in his mouth, then drank some water. After that he gave me the glass of water and curled back up on the sofa. 'I wonder why this is so painful. I'll ask him about it when he feels better.' I say to myself.

I decided to sit next to Craig. When I sat down, Craig grabbed my hand and held it close to chest. I feel so bad. He must be in so much pain. I lean down and give him a kiss on the forehead. I think he is crying. I saw some tears roll down his cheek and shaky breaths. He squeezed my hand slightly tighter, but then weakens. I look over to see him asleep. 'Cute.'


Hello friends. I'm so sorry this took forever to update. I was procrastinating and some really bad stuff has happened to me. ^_^"

I bet you guys were like, "Johnny! What the hell were you doing? Being batman?!" No, I was not being batman. I was being a unitato, cause I am one. And I was procrastinating and some stuff has been happening.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, like you guys always do. ^^

Ꭲhat is it for now
Ꮈriends/Ꭱeaders, see
you guys soon maybe.
Ꮹood Ᏼye
༼ つ◕_◕ ༽つ

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