meeting the neighbours

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Mom rang the doorbell and knocked. There was a lot of movement sounds in the house and soon, a lady with blonde hair opened the door. She welcomed us in and sat us down on the soft, grey couch. "Good evening!" My mom said, expressing her expression. "Good evening, I am Lizzie and this is my husband, Josh." The neighbour said warming us with a nice smile. "KYLIE, SIMBA!" She called up the stairs. "GUESTS ARE HERE!" A tall girl started walking down the stairs. "Hey Kylie, could you please go get your brother?" Lizzie said, calling him again. "Hey I'm Kylie!" Kylie said, putting a hand out for us to shake. I shook it reluctantly and she smiled. The smile was so like her mother's, and it made me feel such a feeling I'd never felt before.. Love. "I'll be right back, I just need to get my brother, Simba." Kylie whispered. I thought I caught a glimpse of her winking at me.. to.. suddenly there was a moan.. A sexual moan.. I felt uncomfortable and I tried to hide the disgusted look on my face.

Simba's POV.

"I love you so muc-" before I could finish, the door flew open. I was having a sexual moment with my girlfriend at the time, so boy I was mad. "WTF DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" I screamed while sitting up. "Quick, get yourself sorted and get downstairs, guests are here!" My sister Kylie whispered to me. "Wtf is this? Some kind of sick joke? Ugh, we are THROUGH!" My girlfriend yelled.  I got out of bed after my girlfrend and my sister had left the room and got dressed.


Suddenly, a girl with short ginger hair started walking down the stairs,  buttoning up her dress. She stormed out the door giving me a horrible look when she walked past me. "Its all your FAULT" She mouthed to me. Chills went down my spine, and I gave a nervous smile at her. Then, a short guy started walking down the stairs, topless. I blushed intensely and closed my eyes, pretending there was something in them. By the time I opened them, the guy had got a shirt on, and I almost forgot what I saw. It was clear that ginger haired girl was having sex with this short dude. "Sup I'm si-." Simba glared at me, and his mouth hung open. I was confused as to why he was staring, so I said hey to get his attention. "H-hey!" Simba stumbled on his words. "Oo! Simba has a crush!" Kylie joked. "N-no I don't!" Simba said, blushing and folding his arms also making an angry face at his sister. "Hey!" I laughed. "AND DINNER IS SERVED!" Josh, Lizzie's husband called from the kitchen. "Yay!" Kylie screeched. "Ah good, come on everyone sit around the table!" Lizzie said, hurrying us to the table. I took a seat between Kylie and Mom. After everyone had sat down, my eyes made its way over to Simba, who was slouching in his chair. I noticed he was frowning. For some reason he also seemed really grumpy. However Kylie was laughing and joking around, being the happiest person you've ever met. The rest of the night went pretty smooth until around 9:30 pm. We had all finished eating and were eating our puddings. I hadn't picked anything, since my stomach was full from the main course. Suddenly, i felt a shoe. It wasnt just any old shoe accidently kicking me, this shoe was slowly climbing up my leg. Then up my skirt. Simba, who was sitting opposite me, was eating his desert like acting so innocent. I purposely dropped my fork that i was pretending to lick so i had a reason to  go under the table to see who's foot it was. When i was a little under the table, a spoon dropped. It had cream on it, from a trifle. Then, a figures body started lowering itself so it was under the table, too. It was Simba. He put his index finger and middle finger against his mouth upside down so it looked like an upside V. He then poked his tongue through the gap. I knew exactly what this meant. Chills went down my spine as i grabbed my fork, put it on my plate and rushed off towards the bathroom. I didn't know exactly where the bathroom was, but i soon found it after running up and down the sairs and in and out of many rooms. I slammed the door shut and locked it. I then l put my back against the door, putting my hands over my face to cry while slowly slipping down the door and landing in some sort of weird squatting position. Tears after tears were falling down my face, landing on the floor with a little splash.

Everyone around table POV.

"Where is Poppy, she's been gone for about 15 minutes." Mom muttered. "I would love to go and find her Mrs. Davis!" Simba interrupted, standing up. "That would be lovely, thankyou Simba." Mom said, smiling while looking down at her trifle then continuing to eat. Simba started walking towards the bathroom.

End of everyone around tables POV.

I sat with my back against the door with my head resting on my knees and my arms wrapped around my knees. Tears splashed onto my pants while i cried in shock. Suddenly, a voice called my name. It was Simbas. "Poppy, you in there..?" He called out, resting a hand on the door. "What do you want..?" I mumbled through tears. "Could you just open the door so i can say this?" He sounded impatient. I didnt reply. I just froze, making no noise. I rolled my eyes and let out a breath i didn't know i was holding in. "Please..?" Now simba sounded like he was about to cry. I let of another sigh, this time clenching my fists."go away!" i said through gritted teeth. "PLEASEEE!" he moaned. i banged my clenched fist on the ground. I looked up. My teeth were still gritted. I stood up, took a deep breath in and let it out within a few seconds. I smiled to myself, telling myself not to make a scene bye screaming at him. I closed my eyes and turned the lock so it wasn't locked. Simba bursted in before i could have a chance to put my hand on the handle. He started coming closer and closer to me, and i backed away. "W-what are you doing?" I said, almost crying. He started taking off his shirt when my mom walked in. "What an earth? Oh my, im not even gonna ask. Come on Poppy, we have to go home. Say thankyou to Simba for having me." Mom said, grabbing my arm to pull me out the bathroom. We all said are goodbyes and left.

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