1. The beginning

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March 18,2007
I decided to start this diary because I need something stable in my life. I need somewhere to vent. Well, let's start off with today. After work, my mom went to her "happy place". My dad went to bed early and still hasn't woken up. Now let's get to a little about me. I'm Jack. Jack Daniel. I have a last name too. It's Benson. But I don't like to use it because it connects me to my parents. Not that I don't like my parents, well my dad at least. My dad's a good guy, he tries his best, but the addiction got the best of him. He got in an accident at work and was prescribed pain killers. This was when I was 4, and he's been addicted ever since. Things get worse when my mom goes to her "happy place" (aka her room where she drinks until she passes out.)
I'm usually left alone while my parents "deal" with their problems. My grandma Betty stops by during these times and takes care of me. She feeds me and makes sure I'm not lonely until one of my parents eventually wake up.
Life basically sucks. My grandma says I've gone through too much for a 7 year old. I try to make the best of it. I have one friend named Seth. Seth isn't allowed over because I'm afraid of what he'll think of me if he meets my parents. I always change the subject when he asks about my life at home. Well, I think this is enough for today. I think my mom is starting to wake up. I'm going to ask for some food.

Signing off,


Ok first chapter! I hope you all like it I'm really excited to write this fanfic and add in a few more details to what I've already written.

I'm sorry if this isn't well written my friends and I did this at like 1 am.

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