PPGXRRB💕💞❤❤ Part 2

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When everyone had finally gotten home they all went to put there things away after that they began to do their own thing. "Where are they?" Buttercup questioned out loud while looking all around the kitchen. Eventually she was just about to give up but then as she was about to leave she found the cupcakes. "Finally!" Buttercup yelled out in victory as she held up the cupcakes above her head.

"What are you doing?" A voice questioned behind her Buttercup swung around let out a small scream only to have instant relief come crashing down on her when she saw it was only Butch. "Ahhh!!!! Oh. Oh. BUTCH DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!!"

"Sorry." Was all he responded with after he had scared her half to death irritating her a little. Buttercup let out a small sigh through her nose as she quickly told him. "It's fine but at least let me know your here you gave me a heart attack!" Eventually Buttercup finally calmed down."So what were you doing before I came in?" Butch questioned his girlfriend to only get ignored as said girl gets a cupcake about to eat it only to be interrupted.

"Hey!! You aren't support to eat that yet that's for dessert!" Butch exclaimed as he snatched the cupcake away before it could be eaten. In a flash of green both Buttercup and the cupcake were completely gone."Hey!" He exclaimed going after the black haired girl in pursuit to try and save the cupcakes from her.


Blossom sighed as she threw her backpack on the floor and kicked her shoes off. "Finally I will never be able to agree when I would say 'I love school' as a kid. Really what was i thinking that place is hell. What a pain." She told herself as she threw herself at her bed finally relaxing and taking a breather from the stressful as well as tiring day. "Tomorrow I'm not even going to school I'll lie and call in sick. Then skip school for the day sleep in a little more and then spend the rest of my day at the beach." She mused out loud trying to figure out the details for her plan to workout.

"Hey angel!" Brick called out as he opened the door and entered the room closing the door behind him. "Yes?" Blossom reluctantly replied as she got up from her laying down position to sitting up. " Can you help me with the homework pretty please?" Brick asked as he looked at her with his puppy dog eyes immediately melting Blossom's heart.

"Sure come here and I'll do my best to help." Blossom cooed at him finding him adorable as a smile spread across her face. No matter how much she helped him he would always come back to her every day to help him do his homework -her ending up doing it in his hand writing-. It would always end up with Brick in Blossoms lap as she played with his hair.

"Hey angel?" Brick spoke out suddenly to the pink eyed beauty that was playing with his hair as if he had just remembered something. "Yes?" Blossom replied as she finished up his homework putting it to the side giving him her full attention. "What did you mean by your gonna skip school and go to the beach tomorrow?" Brick questioned the girl tilting his head a little giving her a mischievous smirk as she tried to get herself out of this one.

"Oh! Uhhh well mmmm...." Blossom tried to find an explainable excuse as to why she said what she said but she could not find one. Blossom was about to lie and say she wasnt actually gonna do it but she just didnt have the energy to do it at the moment. Blossom figured it would be better to just tell the truth instead less work for her really. "I want a break I can't stand school anymore besides its our senior year it'll be fine!" Blossom flatly confessed she really did not want to go to school tomorrow. She just wanted to take a break and relax after all the hardwork she had been putting in this year. Blossom had been working her ass off since August and it was April now. APRIL!!

"What ever happened to the book loving, school loving girl that would rather die than ever skip a day of school in her life that I knew?" Brick asked sincerely actually wanting to know what happened and if something was wrong as he had not had the time too. Well he says he didn't have the time when in reality it was really Blossom who didn't have the time for it.

"Oh I haven't changed much since then I still love reading books but school? I truly cant even begin to imagine why I liked it so much as a kid can be blowed up mysteriously and I wouldn't bat an eye." Blossom so ever innocently said shrugging her shoulders as she did. She could give a rat's ass if something happened to the school right now. Blossom was simply at this point too utterly tired and overworked to really give a damn about the school. Brick sweat dropped as he stared up at his angel as she continued to brush her fingers through his hair massaging his scalp her and there as she did. "Oh really now?"

Blossom nodded in confirmation. "Mhm I just can't do it anymore it's draining me!" Blossom dramatically told to her lover even though they both knew it was true it had been really draining and taxing on all of them really. Brick just chuckled silently agreeing with her as they then sat in comfortable silence only for Brick to break it a minute later. "Sssssooooo we're going to the beach tomorrow huh? Do we invite the others?" Brick asked wanting to know if it was going to be just them or if everyone was going to go.

"No, they won't know. We'll even go early so they think we went to school without them. Then while they suffer at school we can be enjoying ourselves at the beach!" Blossom said chirpy as can be.

"Alright we'll do that but which beach are we going to?" It was a fair question since they did have super powers they could go to Antarctica and back in just a few minutes time has never really been a problem for them.

"Well I was thinking we go to that one in Mexico that we all went to a couple years back it was so nice there!" Blossom immediately answered she loved that beach she and the rest had an amazing time their when they went last .

"Alright then we should get packed and ready for tomorrow that way we'll be out the door faster tomorrow. Then we should go to the kitchen to see if we have to cook or if someones already doing it." Brick said going into his dad mode as the rest called it as Blossom immediately nodded also going into her mama mode as well.

Soon Brick went to go get his essentials to bring is back to Blossom since she would normally organize things like this for both of them. And after an hour and a half of getting things checking and double checking they had everything they would need they had finally finished.

"Alright let's go down and make dinner." Blossom said after hiding the bags and other things they had gotten ready in her closet. Both zoomed down stairs and into the kitchen where they got to work making dinner. As they we're about to call the others down they saw that the cupcakes had vanished after seeing this they baked a new batch for everyone grumbling as they did.

'Finally' both thought. "DINNERS READY" They screamed at there sibling as they sat down together at the head of the table. Soon the once empty seats were full and everyone began to chat and eat telling eachother about they're day.

After dinner they made their way to the living room where everyone got comfy and started to watch some movies. After the third most were asleep sighing Blossom got up from her cuddled up position with Brick and turned off the tv. "Baby~ wake up~" Blossom cooed at her boyfriend.

Eventually both made it to Blossom's room in one piece. As soon as they got there they flopped on the bed got under the covers and went to sleep. Or in Brick's case back to sleep almost immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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