twenty seven days and twelve hours (Phan )

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Dan Howell : The 'Soft' boy around school. He is shy, quite, adorable. He is easy to fall in love with.Phil Lester : The 'Rebel' boy around school. He is noticeable, loud, terrifying. He isn't very easy to fall in love with.But when the two boys lay eyes on one another, they realize that there is something there, making them feel like they belong to each other."Phil... It's been twenty seven days"" twenty seven days and twelve hours "

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Hello! As you can see, this is my first phanfiction (Maybe you could see that, I don't know).

My name is Gianna, and this is 'twenty seven days and twelve hours'.

Let me explain this story a little bit before you read it! Dan Howell is the soft boy at school, he wears pastel colors, is shy, and very anti-social, as he doesn't talk that often, people decide to make fun of him because of it. Phil Lester is the rebel at school, he wears black, has piercings, the whole deal. He is terrifying, loud, and super obnoxious (But no one ever says that to him, he already knows) He believes he wouldn't fall for ANYONE in the school, as he doesn't need anyone. But when Phil lays his eyes on Dan, and when Dan lays his eyes on Phil, they both feel a connection, something that is forcing them to be together.

Then they start-

Well sorry kids, can't tell you the rest, you're going to have to read to find out!

Thank you so much  ♥Gianna♥


There will be triggers, and I will be listing them on the top of the chapters (if there are any triggers) THANK YOU :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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