Havoc 1

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This story originally started out as an assignment whenever I was in seventh grade. We had to create a story and I really liked the thought of making a science fiction story since that is what I really liked to read. I tried to expand on this story my eighth-grade year by making a sort of prequel that got read to the class by the teacher and he ended up mocking it and trying to make it a comedy.

The prequel story was all about a few high school students. There was three boys and two girls. The girls would later meet the new girl and she would fit right in with their group. Our main characters were Davis, the leader. Cole, the best friend. Sam, the goofball. Taylor, Drews love interest and the level headed one. Sarah, the smart one. And Mikayla, the new girl. It all starts with the Boys having a volleyball game and having some elaborate plan to score the final point. Davis was the setter, Cole was an outside hitter, and Sam was a libero. Taylor, Sarah, and Mikayla all sit in the stands and watch the boys play and eventually win the game. They all leave the game together. Except for Mikayla who decided to walk home alone due to her living on the opposite side of town than the others. Davis didn't like this idea of her walking around town at night alone so after about ten minutes he decides to turn around and run in the direction that Mikayla started walking. He starts to get worried whenever he doesn't see her. He turns a corner to see a few guys gathered around an alley way. He brushes it off at first until he hears a girl shriek. He looks closer and sees that it was Mikayla that just got shoved to the ground. Davis doesn't hesitate and shoves through the group of guys and crouches down at Mikayla's side. They guys don't like that somebody is interfering with their plans. Davis helps Mikayla to her feet and they start to walk away. One of the guys from the alley follows them and sneaks up on Davis and grabs him and pulls him to the ground. Davis is stunned for a moment but doesn't recover fast enough before the boy starts to kick him while he's down. Mikayla tries to help but the boy slaps her, and she falls. Davis yells at her to run and find some help. As Mikayla is looking for somebody, she sees the others that she was with at the game. She is unable to speak due to being out of breath, but she points in the direction of Davis and his attacker. Cole and Sam run in that direction while Taylor and Sarah try and calm Mikayla down. Sam outruns Cole and gets to Davis much earlier than Cole does. Sam tackles the boy who was kicking Davis and tries to keep him off of Davis. Cole finally arrives and help Davis stand up. Davis finally returns to his senses and realizes what is going on. Cole sees another group of guys walking towards Sam who is rolling on the ground with the other boy. Davis recognizes these guys as the others that were tormenting Mikayla in the alley. Davis and Cole rush to Sam's aide and are able to get him away before the other group gets to close. Sam did a number to the boy who is all bruised and battered. The group of guys help their boy up and a few of them pull out knives and start to advance on Davis, Cole, and Sam. Before the group gets to close the police show up and the group of guys flees in a hurry. The police talk to our main characters for a few minutes and the girls end up running up on them. Turns out it was Mikayla who called the police. Davis and Sam thank her though she is hesitant to accept their thanks since she was the reason they got into that mess. The police tell our characters that the group of guys wait by that alley for young girls to pass by and try and rape them. The police tell Mikayla how lucky she was that Davis turned around to check on her. Mikayla gets a ride home from the police and the others continue their way home.

The next few days was a little rocky for Mikayla. She was scared of every little noise that was out of the ordinary and was scared to walk home alone. Sam tells her that he will walk her home every day that way she knows that she'll be safe. One Thursday evening after Sam drops Mikayla off at her house and starts to head home, he hears a few people start to laugh. He walks a little faster, but the laughs continue to get closer. He starts to sprint at this point and is tripped a few blocks down the road. He looks up to see the boy that he had stopped from kicking Davis the week before. He is significantly uglier now due to having a mangled nose. They start to harass Sam to the point where he can't get away due to being surrounded. Sam is assaulted and the only reason the guys stop attacking him is because the cops showed up once again. Sam is so badly injured that the cops call an ambulance to come and take him to a hospital. The next day at school the group is confused to see that Sam isn't at school. They ask Mikayla and she tells them that she didn't talk to him after he dropped her off. The entire group goes to Sam's house after school only to find that he is in the hospital. They all ride there with Sam's mother who had come home to shower. They walk into his room to find him seemingly near death. His face is all bloody and his entire body is bruised. Sam greets everybody as if he wasn't laying in a hospital in immense pain. They ask Sam what happened, and he tells them that it was the guys that tried to hurt Mikayla. Cole storms out of the hospital room and starts to head towards the alley that Davis found Mikayla in. Cole gets to the alley and sure enough the group of guys is there. Cole yells at the group of guys to break their focus from each other and a few of them turn around in an irritated manner. These are the people that hurt Sam. Cole walks right up to the ugliest one (who happens to be the one Sam tackled) and punches him right in the jaw. Cole is grabbed and subdued. The boy that he punched stands up and advances towards Cole. Cole kicks and flails trying to get away. He hears a loud bang, and everyone turns around. Its Davis who threw a metal trashcan against the wall. He demands that Cole is let go. They drop Cole and he starts crawling towards Davis. One of the guys stomps on his foot and holds him in place. Davis runs at the one that stepped on Cole, kicks him in the chest, grabs Cole and starts to run. They arrive back at the hospital. Cole is fine now and is being scolded by Davis for running after them himself. Davis wanted to do the same thing but knew that he had to act strong in front of Sam and the girls. What Cole did was selfish. The girls were waiting for Davis and Cole to return. Taylor wraps Cole in a hug and follows that with a swift slap to the face. She calls him an idiot and again hugs him. Sarah checks on Cole as well but realizes that he is injured as well and decides not to slap him.

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