part3: streets and streets

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my mind was set, my goal was clear. as far as I was concerned there was nothing keeping me from this girl tonight. I walked down the street the sun long gone below the far horizon completely beyond this realm escaping into the recesses of a planet I knew I would never discover. confined to a fixated point on a map. this city, my home, my cage. the cold night air bit at my neck and face, thoughts of regret filled me. why hadn't I taken a scarf or a hat? why was I here looking for a woman I didn't know?

two rows of clubs, bars, and restaurants stood before me like gleaming monoliths of societal indulgent. it baffled me how people had time ur money to enjoy such establishments of pure pleasure and gluttony. I guess no one really did, these people make a decision when they enter these buildings that they are deliberately succumbing to sin and vice. to justify this they may try to label it a harmless fun or well deserved relaxation time, but I see them for what they really are....pathetic self indulgent humans.

The street was teaming with cars couples, groups of fantastic friendship. completely abuzz with the sounds of juballe and disregard of responsibility, this was the kind of place where you were proud of the mistakes you made the next morning. My search began with a small bar called the Lemmon squeeze it was modern no doubt constructed within the last year and a half. You could hear music pumping shaking the vary foundation to witch you must cling to, so that you can keep from getting ill. The rhythm completely coverd by the massive amounts of base. I walk inside to find a brightly lit white bar, the sealing walls and floor a slick white plastic, to give off the impression of purity and cleanliness. Blue lights who's origins were unknown to me flashed to the little rhythmic hearts the music had to offer. I walked a little further into the place before spotting the bar, to my disappointment a man in a white tuxedo stood there mixing drinks. I knew she wouldn't be here anyway I could tell it was not her style to fake to processed. I left the sleek and shiny place with slightly less determination than before, maybe this was a mistake or maybe I'm a fool for trying to track down a girl a only narrowly could claim any association with. No! That can't be it I know there's more. I can feel inside of me when I looked into her eyes coruscate with the intricate fabric designs you find within the bright green coloring of her eyeris.

These thoughts restored my drive and I continued on my search bar after bar building after building. they all stemmed copy pasted one after the other non of them containing the individual I so desired. Finaly I reached the last club, when I walked in it was completely unlike all the others. There was music playing but the beat was so low it felt as if I were wearing muffling headphones so the only sound that seeped into my ears was soft and blurred pounding. The people were not dancing but they were all moving as if to the breath that emptied my lungs. The room was strange, the lights made it almost impossible to make out details colors flashing making it seem vast and expansive. I walked forward and in the corner of my eyes I saw an UN unmistakable flash of blond hair. My heart began attempts at leaping out of my chest as I followed the detection of the figure. It was her I was positive! But it looked as if she were wearing a beautiful black velvet gown as she floated across the room. I pushed past the people, although soon further inspection there faces were blank missing eyes mouths nothing but the smooth pale skin of there heads topped with pitch black hair. The music turned into high pitch violin tearing away at the notes like the cries of the thousands of deaths of the young and innocent. The sounds and lights grew more intense as I fought my way to the exit in witch she was headed. Finaly I reached the door that I saw her walk through it stands before me even now clear in my mind as pure as ivory the handle a night shimmering silver. All the lights and sound faded as I stood here left with the ultimate choice, a decision  I had made long long ago. My hand graves the knob and turned slowly, I open the door and step through only to find, a cold dark back alleyway before me. It was no different the the countless ones before.

      I turned back to look through the strange bar again to see if she was still there but the door loomed in front of me broken boarded up the entire building looked abandoned. I look back to the dead end of the ally and I see something. A small shimmer a faint sparkle in the pitch black of night. I creep my way forward my body trembling, whispering fills my head strange inky blotches encercal my vision as Imake it to the source of the glimmer.

I see a the outline of a figure laying against the wall hunched over, in its hand lay the sources of the entrancing light. I reach out only to stop in horror, my eyes finally adjust to the darkness and the dead bloody corpse of the girl rests cold and motionless inches from my outstretched arm. I take the key and turn away quickly running out of the ally my stomach being the organ who's only desire being to liberate itself from me via oral cavity. My quest was completed the girl was dead and my reward was grotesque and also the obtaining of this mysterious silver key. I didn't know what to do next I was terrified and then it all went black.

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