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@finn_fan I guess it's time to tell my name

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@finn_fan I guess it's time to tell my name. My name is *dramatic drumroll*
@finnwolfhard u happy ?
Finnwolfhard cute name. So when the face reveal?
User1 everyone gonna ignore that Finn had the first comment? Okay cool
Finn_fan no face reveal but I'll give u my priv if ya want? Pms tho

Pms Finn and jack

- An f=Finn J= jack

F hello Jackie
J hey Finn what's up?
F just waiting to see ur face
J u no u just have to ask for it
F ok well can I have ur priv acc ?
J sure it's @jack-pri
F following rn
J ok anyway what ya doin
F chilling with Wyatt and soph wbu
J I'm on my way to Jae's but I gtg phones on 2%
F ok bye Jackie

@finnwolfhard followed @jack-pri

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