It's been forever since last night! Maybe it's day now? I removed a peice of planks from my small home and saw day light. I broke my self free and danced in the sun. "Yes! Day!" I shouted. Okay. This is a new day, a new chance. Time is valuble so I can't waist it. I began looking for sheep. I saw a group of them and I spotted one away from the group. I walked up to it slowly. "I'm sorry, dude. I have too..." I said to it in a soft tone. I took out my ax and hit it. It ran from me but it wasn't fast enough. I hit it again and again and it finally died. I felt awful! Killing a poor defenceless animal? I'm so mean! At least it dropped 3 wool. "That's all I needed, little guy. Thanks." I wisper.
Rest! At last! I lay in my bed for a few minutes before getting up. Right now, I needed food! I picked some grass and I so far gathered 6 seeds. I crafted a hoe and went to a near by pond. I hoed the dirt there and planted the seeds. I shaved the trees, earing me 4 apples and 35 sapplings. Wow! I crafted a chest and dupmed some stuff in. I ate the apples, filling my stomach up. I whent back to my small home and laughed whent I saw half of my bed sticking out of my to-small-to-fit-a-two-block-long-bed-house. I need some upgrades!