[Bed head]

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A/N This will be a more light hearted chapter, just because I'm in a good mood.

Mikasa buried her head into the pillow, she hadn't slept with one for a while.

"Mmm... its so comfy..." She said, her voice muffled. Mikasa nuzzled her head further in. Mikasa was laid on the sofa, her feet propped up on the arm rest, her legs on top of Sasha's thighs. Sasha laughed lightly.

"Are you sure you don't want the longer sofa? You'd be more comfortable."

"Mmm... I can't move... to comfy..." Sasha giggled again, leaning back into the cushion, her hair falling limply down. "You wanna watch some TV?"

"...Okay..." Sasha leaned forward for the remote, consequently crushing Mikasa's legs, she switched on the TV, turning it to channel 6, an episode of 'Family Guy' began playing.

"Family Guy's already on? What time is it?" Mikasa shrugged, the pudge on her cheek rising upward slightly as she relaxed further. Sasha payed no attention to the show, she only watched Mikasa's relaxed, beautiful face as she began falling asleep.

"What're you doing?" Mikasa asked, turning her body over to lay on her right side.

"Oh... nothing..." Sasha turned her body, occasionally glancing at Mikasa. Mikasa leaned her body over the side of the sofa, unzipping her bag, bringing out a cover, which seemingly sheltered something. "What's that?"

"My blanket." Mikasa draped it over herself, also covering Sasha's legs.

"No, I mean what was in the blanket?"


"Yeah there was, you wrapped something in it."

"No I didn't. And be quiet, I'm sleepy."

"But--" Mikasa pressed her finger to Sasha's lips.

"Shh..." Sasha licked Mikasa's finger. "Ewww!" She reacted, laughing while she rubbed he saliva off with her blanket.

"Mmm, you taste nice." Sasha teased.

"That's cannibalism."

"You taste super sweet, like cake."

"What sort of cake?"

"Hmm... I might need another taste~"

"Ew!" Mikasa exclaimed followed by a short giggle. Sasha moved closer, Mikasa moved back, Mikasa had pressed her back against the arm rest. Sasha stuck out her tongue. "No! No! Stop, stop! Please!" Mikasa held her hands up and Sasha moved back, with a smile on her face.

"You taste like strawberry cake." Mikasa smiled and shook her head.

"I'm gonna sleep now, I'm tired. Goodnight." Sasha stood back up, approaching the light switch.


"Keep it on."

"You're scared of the dark?"

"...No..." Sasha sighed, bringing herself to the longer sofa, laying down. The furniture was arranged in a way where the was a sofa against the window, and one in the middle of the room, a coffee table placed ahead of it. To the left of the sofa against the window was the TV; the living room looked out onto the road, the headlights of cars filtering through the blinds. Sasha watched Mikasa's sleeping face, her chest rising and falling slightly, her mouth open, drooling a little. Sasha smiled, laying her head on her own arm, closing her eyes and attempting to fall asleep.

A little while later, when she was sure Mikasa was asleep, Sasha turned off the lights, leaving one lamp illuminated in the corner, just enough to see around the room, but not enough to keep her awake.

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