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"Where is he?" Vic asked frantically as he grabbed his car keys.

"It's hard to explain where it is but I'll guide you, " he spoke. He watched as Vic almost slammed the door open, the black cat following behind. "Are you taking him?"

"It might be dangerous, I'll leave him here."

Chris pouted. He just wanted to take the cat so he could pet him. He sighed. "Okay. It would be faster if I drive, Ya know?"

Chris unlocked the door, waiting for Vic to follow him.

"Actually," vic said as he picked up the cat. "We'll bring him."

Chris' face lit up with an actual spark of happiness for the first time ever since they left the room. He nodded, stretching his arms in Vic's direction to take the cute ball of fur.

"Come on, we better get a move on." Vic said as they walked through the front door. He was still a little upset about the whole ordeal that happened not too long ago, though he understood Chris reasonings.

"We gotta get to the Central Park first, yeah?" Chris hummed, buckling up. His hands aimlessly messed with the cat's fur, smiling a little at the purring he made.

Vic strapped himself in before grabbing his coat and tossing it to Chris. "Wrap him in this so he doesn't get cold. Also, if you could hold him that'll be great."

Chris almost giggled but held himself in time. He cautiously wrapped the kitten as they started moving, lying a small kiss on top of his head.

"What are you going to call him?" Vic asked the taller man.

"Wh- Vic, the cat's yours." Chris was a little confused as to why Vic would ask him, "what are you going to call him?" He emphasized the 'you'.

"Well, I was thinking Cerulli, I'm open to your ideas too."

"Uh, well, if I had a cat I would call it..." Chris twisted his nose, thinking. It was a quite subtle question so he didn't really know. "Maybe, uhm... Sprite? "Because, y'know, he looks like a soot sprite."

"Sprite it is."

"You had no other ideas for him?" He gazed at Vic for a moment before gazing back down at Sprite.

"Only naming him after you."

Chris lost the little smile he held then. It hurt. It became hard to breathe for them both, more to Chris that for a moment regretted being there, near Vic. He cleared his throat.

"Kellin's near the market that has on the park."

Vic nodded as he turned the intersection. "So...." Vic trailed off to break the awkward silence. "How's Ricky?"

"He's fine," Chris shrugged. He didn't feel like talking, at all.

Vic only nodded as the quiet entered again.

They were like that until they finally got to the park. Chris didn't want to talk then. He ignored his needs for Vic. Again.

"You have to turn on the second right, near that big ass tall tree, " he pointed through the glass.

Vic only nodded again, because as much as he'd hate to admit it, he was lustful for Chris.

Vic turned where he was told, following down a street where there were a few houses separated. "There, " he pointed at the end of the street at a blue house with the number 74 written in gold.

"Right, this is it." Vic spoke as he quickly unbuckled his belt. "There's two baseball bats in the boot."

"I'm not questioning, " Chris muttered to himself as he got out of the car. He put the small kitten package on his coat pocket because he was small enough to fit in. The cat meowed, poking his head out, resting on it. Chris opened the boot, grabbing both baseball bats before handling one to Vic.

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