The Betrayal

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I finally came out of my bed and my parents knew it wasn't the time to say anything to me so that's what they did, they were so silent you could drop a pin and you would be able to hear it. I looked around and I couldn't see my sister. I asked my parents where she was and they said she left early to do something. 

I didn't want to school. Coming out of my room was hard enough but going to school where I might see him, will break me. I tried to explain it to my parents but would they listen, no, not at all. They said they understood what I was going through but school was still important and that I had to do good in catching up  in missing work and lessons so it doesn't affect my grades. Them saying that just got me even more pissed. But who am I to argue with them. It will just make them more disappointed and mad at me. So I packed my bags and left. I would have just not go but my parents had friends in the school so I knew they would tell her I wasn't in school.

I reached school and had my head down so that a certain person wouldn't see me but then again why am I hiding from him, it should be the other way around. He should e hiding from me because he should know once I see him that it. I am going to kill him but not just for hurting me but for hurting my sister and for stringing the both of us along. I wonder how Hope is doing though I haven't seen her since we found out Sam was a cheating two timer scumbag. I should call her to ask her.

I called and at first she didn't answer but the second time I called she answered. I could already tell she wasn't at school since there was background music and I thought she was hiding something from me because whenever she is nervous her voice goes really high. I asked her about it but she just lied to me and that made me mad and more intrigued to figure out what it was that she was hiding. Lucky for me I had put a GPS tracker on that she didn't know about. It said she was at Starbucks. Thankfully it wasn't far. I snuck out of school, the guard owed me a favor, he would cover for me until I came back. 

I took a bus to Starbucks and when I reached It said she was now in the park. Luckily the park wasn't far from my location. I walked to the park and I looked for her and when I finally saw her I couldn't believe my eyes. It must be a misunderstanding. Before I could ask her about the misunderstanding , the misunderstanding became really clear.

My sister was no longer my sister. How could she? She was sitting in the park kissing that good two timer scumbag Sam. Did she hit her head or did he kidnap her? That's the only thing going through my head at the moment. She knows what he did and she still is with him. I called her on the phone to ask her where she was and she told me she was at school talking to her friend. I asked her if that's the truth and she swore to me that it was the truth and when I asked to say hi to her friend she said that her friend couldn't speak because she was occupied and she hung up the phone on me.

I couldn't take it. I walked up to them and I smacked him and then I smacked that girl because she was no longer my sister and from that day on I would never speak to her ever again.

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