🦋Chapter 열한🦋

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previously on step Brothers
Where did that random change of personality come from???

"Oh my, looks like you agitated master Taehyun's other side lady (Y/N)", a unfamiliar voice says.

You jolt up and look around the room.

"Who's there?,".
Around the corner walks a beautiful lady in a maid's uniform.

She looks extremely young, perhaps in her twenties? But there's an older vide coming from her. Sure she may look young, but then again, good skin care and do miracles.

She has mid-length black hair and a small, petite frame.

She walks up until she's about five feet away from you and gives you a polite bow.

"Hello lady (Y/N), I am the head maid of this manner, Kang Mi Rae," she says respectfully.

You give her an awkward bow back, still on the floor.

She looks at your form and shakes her head softly.

"It appears that you have agitated master Taehyun," she says as she offers you a hand.

"You don't say," you reply sarcastically as you take it.

She hauls you to your feet and dusts you off.

"Master Taehyun seems patient but he has quite the temper," she explains.

That's explains a lot , no wonder you were manhandled a second ago.

You let out a huff and remember what she said earlier.

"Oh my, looks like you agitated master Taehyun's other side"

What did she mean by "other side".

She bows and returns to the direction she came from.

"Ah,by the way," she calls.

She turns back around to face you.

"I overhead you conversation about your studies," she says.

"I've sent Doyum to come assist you, pardon me," she says before leaving.

On cue Doyum walks in.

His soft , fluffy hair slightly sways as he walks closer.

He licks his lips giving a natural shine to them.

He's wearing something a bit different from his usual attire.

Instead of a nice, fancy suit he's wearing a pair of sweats and a black t-shirt.

You can't really blame him though.

It's pretty late so he must be off right now, you don't expect him to be all dressed up when it's mere minutes to twelve.

He walks over and pulls out a chair for you before motioning you sit sit down.

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