A Simple Gesture PART 1

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One faithful day a man named Tyrone Nelson was walking home from school and came across a girl.  Tyrone noticed that she had dropped all of her books walking the sidewalk.  Him being the kind man his mom raised, he helped the girl.  Tyrone helped the girl pick up her books and offered to walk her home.  Before they began to walk Tyrone told this girl that she had the most prettiest eyes he had ever seen.  She laughed and said, " Oh really?  I'll remember that."  On the way to her house Tyrone soon found out that her name was Emilia and that she loved reading,  writing and some sports like volleyball and rugby.  Tyrone grew fond of Emilia and her stories. 

After a couple years of knowing Emilia,  Tyrone kinda fell in love with her.  He had no idea what he was doing.  At the edge of seven-teen with final credits and collage choices he felt like he didn't need that,  but he wanted it.  Tyrone wanted Emilia.  He wanted to protect her and care for her.  Tyrone couldn't stop thinking about her.  In his eyes Emilia was the most beautiful woman he had ever saw. 

 Tyrone couldn't stop thinking about how he wanted to tell Emilia that he was in love with her.  Then he kept thinking about how she would react. Would she slap him?  Or laugh at him? He had no idea what he would do!  

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