A Simple Gesture PART 2

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Soon Saturday came around. You see, every Saturday since Emilia and Tyrone met they would go do something or just sit down and watch some movies.  Today Tyrone and Emilia were gonna hangout at Emilia's house and watch movies and eat popcorn.  

On Tyrone's way to Emilia's house he got a flat and didn't get their until seven.  That happening it only gave them a couple hours to watch something, but that didn't matter.  A while after Tyrone got their they were sitting on her bed listening to Sleeping With Sirens. Sitting there scrolling through Netflix Emilia looked at Tyrone and said, "I need to tell you something.  Its been on my mind a lot and I really need to talk to you about it.  Promise me you wont be weird about it!"

Tyrone quickly responded with. " Oh, yeah.  You know you can tell me anything."

Now at a really awkward state in the moment Emilia clears her throat, " I think i'm in love with you.  I know your my best friend, and before you say anything stupid, I just need you to know that it's okay if you don't feel the same because I completely understand I mea-", she was stopped.   "I love you!", said Tyrone with a smile.

Emilia just told Tyrone she was in love with him.  Not only did she tell him, but he felt the same way!  They have felt this way for years and are just now telling each other.  This is the weirdest day yet.  So Tyrone tells Emilia that he loves her and their is silence.  In this moment of silence they stair.  They stair at each other in the eye and try to process exactly what was happening.  

After some time of awkward staring Tyrone looks away to break the awkwardness.  Then looks back shortly after wards to kiss her.  After the kiss Emilia asked, " Did you mean it?"                                      " Did I mean what?", he replied.     

Emilia sighs, " The day we first met in eighth grade when you looked at me after you helped me pick up my books and told me I had the pretties eyes you had ever seen.  Did you mean it?'

"Of course I did.  How could I forget?  I think about that moment everyday you know."

Tyrone and Emilia relationship had changed pretty quickly.  First confessing their love for each other then talking about childhood memories.  These two have quite the chemistry.

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